Russell Tovey, that actor with kind of cute-like Dumbo ears on a small scale, found his life partner in Steve Brockman.
Steve Brockman used to be a rugby player, which is a sport so violent it makes American football look weak. In rugby, there are no helmets. No padding and no protective gear. You simply go for the ball and knock the living hell out of any other players that happen to be in the way. Tovey, known for his roles in Being Human, and more recently, Queers, is a pretty accomplished actor from England.
The couple started dating in 2016 when Tovey moved to New York to star in the stage play Angels in America (which also starred Andrew Garfield), the two have lived in the city ever since.
PopSugar reported that these guys are now engaged to be married.
These two have been courting each other for about two years. Russell Tovey said he was very surprised when Steve Brockman proposed to him. Of course, he said yes because Steve is really handsome. Nobody in their right mind would refuse a proposal of love from such a magnificent hunk.
However, there is more to this than first appears. These guys really love each other. They could be with almost anyone they wanted; however, they chose each other.
Falling in love is one of the greatest parts of being human. If it has happened to you, then you already know that love is something that comes up without reason or even explanation. You feel it and it is. When you see your beloved it is like your focus is on one other person who is the greatest in the whole world. This can be anybody for anyone. You will know it when you see it. That is what love is and when you feel this it is really a great time to get married.
Congratulations to the couple! We wish them a lifetime of happiness together!