Justin Bieber Workout Routine Diet Plan

Canadian sensation Justin Bieber has recently shown his 6 pack body. He is turning his body towards a ripped one. Now, Bieber wants to win more and more hearts of ladies with his excellent body shape.

“I have been working out in the gym, getting bigger, trying to get sexy for the ladies”

This is what JBieber said. He always had an athletic body. He grew up by playing hockey in his country and was also bestowed the Most Valuable Player in NBA’s All-Star Celebrity Basketball game in 2011. After comparing with the teen actor, Taylor Lautner, who actually prepared his chiseled body for the role of Jacob Black in the Twilight Saga film series with the help of Jordan Yuam, owner of Jordan’s Virtual Fit Club and Lautner’s personal trainer, Bieber was not good in that section (bodybuilding). So, JBieber is on the same track and soon he may be seen in those killer abs.

Justin Bieber Body

He also needs to keep a check on his diet to get such abs. Drugs, alcohols, smoking are not good for health and he knows it. He is sure that he won’t be addicted to these things and would not ruin his life. He says –

“I know I am not going to make a life changing bad decision, as some people have. I have seen it happen too many times. I could be my own worst enemy, but I don’t want to mess this up”

Sample 6 pack workout

To get 6 pack, it is necessary that you do cardio to shed some extra fat if there is any. Cardio or cardiovascular exercises include cycling, running, jogging, rowing etc. Because, to make these abs visible, the first step is to remove that extra bit off your body. Do eat regular diets to maintain your metabolism rate. Eating small meals like protein shake is suggested for this. Resistance training and weight training are necessary to develop muscles.

The more and more muscles you involve, the more you will be on your way to get those 6 pack abs. You can try some of these exercises to fasten up this process of 6 pack abs –

  • Burpees – You can try different variants of burpees to get ripped. First of all, stand straight and then touch your hands on the ground by coming into a squat position. Then, make your foot to extend backward (you know like plank position). Now, return back to the squat position and finally, to the standing straight position.
  • Walking Lunges – Try these at the end of the workout session to take maximum advantage of it.
  • Squats – Do this to involve much more muscle groups.
  • Dumbbell Swings – Good for legs and back.
  • Crunches – It works the rectus abdominis muscle. You should be a bit careful while doing this exercise as it may cause head injury when you lift the head up with your hands crossed behind the neck or head.
  • Situps – It is much like the same as crunches.
  • Leg-lifts – These are great for abdominals. You can do this by lying on the floor on your back. Then, raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the body and shins are parallel to it. Please note that you need to keep your toes pointed throughout this exercise. Now, slowly raise your legs and make them straight so that your whole legs are perpendicular to the body and pointing towards the ceiling. Now, lower the straight legs and hold them when they are only 1 inch off the floor. Now gradually raise the legs back to the ceiling. Do these many times.

Some DOs –

  • Drink lots of water.
  • Do warm up exercise before you start the workout, followed by stretching exercises.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Make sure you don’t overdo cardio to lose fat from the belly as there is a genetic fact of nature that few people have extra fat at stomach than they would like.

Justin Bieber Diet Plan

Justin is strictly following his diet plan. He knows that diet has more contribution than workout to achieve a great body posture and shape. Some points he keeps in mind are –

  • Drinks lot of water.
  • Eat whole grain food rather than refined products.
  • Have small regular meals throughout the day.
  • Eat fresh fruits rather than their juice.

Though he recently turned vegan and so he didn’t eat any dairy product or non-veg. He was out with his friends and he was begged from his friends to eat a piece of steak. But, being a vegan, he ordered tofu steak and tempeh tacos. He was such a brat as he extracted everyone’s attraction when he made gagging noises and spat the food. He is suggested to quit his habit, even by his now ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez.
