What Happened To Jimi Partington? Facts About CNN Great White Open Ocean Shark Expert

Jimi Partington, a shark jumping master, is grabbing titles after his account of surviving the deadliest shark attack in 2020 was featured on the television show Great White Open Ocean.

Jimi is a brave shark jumping expert with a long history of involvement in Great White Shark research and development. Jimi has spent the better part of the last fifteen years overseeing the travel industry, including extraordinary white sharks on Mexico’s Guadalupe Island.

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What Happened To Jimi Partington?

A diving adventure near Guadalupe Island, Mexico, took place in 2019, and shark expert Jimi Partington from Manchester captured footage of the animals hunting there.

The curious shark weighed approximately two tonnes and was a fully mature female. Partington claims to have seen this particular predator in the ocean before, and he named her “Bullet” after a strange marking on her dorsal fin that replicates a bullet hole.

A Great White shark has 300 sharp, triangular teeth arrayed in up to seven rows, so anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves in its mouth is in for a rude awakening.

Fortunately, the cage was designed to withstand a beating, so neither the divers nor Bullet were hurt.

How Old Is Jimi Partington? Wikipedia Bio

Jimi Partington was born in Jersey, Channel Islands, on December 26, 1983. Jimi is 38 years old as of 2022 and was born under the Capricorn zodiac sign.

He appeared in seven episodes of the long-running show from 2014 to 2020, according to his IMDb. He loves traveling the world of giant white creatures as a shark diving expert.

Partington has a solid background in diving and submersible photography. From a young age, his passing and talent inspired his thrilling diving career. Throughout his career, he has met a number of well-known marine biologists, respected photographers, and wildlife experts.

As a result, his works have received equal acclaim from prominent international media outlets.

Did Jimi Partington Have Any Stroke & Accidents?

Yes, Jimi Partington had a stroke and was airlifted to the hospital. Jeff’s film, Great White Open Ocean, is about much more than Jimi’s incident with the great white in the open sea.

When Jimi returns to England after surviving the COVID-19 pandemic, he begins to exhibit PTSD symptoms.

Jimi will finally be able to go to New Zealand to confront great white sharks. Partington finds himself in a cage on the ocean floor surrounded by great white sharks, followed by a “snout touching” encounter from the side of a boat.

However, the emotional moment is quickly followed by tragedy. He suffers a stroke shortly after boarding a boat with Jeff and McMillan and must be airlifted to a hospital.

His struggle to counter the effects of the stroke is documented in the film’s conclusion. Jeff, who maintains contact with Jimi, claims that his love of sharks is “driving his rehab.”

Jimi Partington On CNN Great White Open Ocean

On Saturday, July 30, CNN will air the Shark Week documentary Great White Open Ocean, marking the channel’s first participation in Shark Week.

The 90-minute documentary Great White Open Ocean stars shark diving expert Jimi Partington.

Jimi returned to the water a year after nearly dying in the jaws of a great white shark to recover from the traumatic event, but the experience quickly turned into a battle for life and death. Jeff Kurr, the director of Shark Week, shot it.

Shark Week returned to Discovery on July 24 for its 34th year, with Dwayne Johnson serving as the show’s first Master of Ceremonies.

The week’s program slate has highlighted innovative shark technology to further studies about these elusive organisms and their bonding and migration patterns, as well as sharing findings of a new, undescribed species.
