Remember working out in leotards and leg warmers? In the 80’s, many women donned the fashion trend in Jazzercise classes. Fast forward 50 years and while the workout attire has changed, Jazzercise remains. Yes, Jazzercise is back! Well, actually, it never went anywhere. If you ask Amanda Boman, it is not only going strong - it's getting better, "We didn't go anywhere; we've been here the whole time which makes us steadfast."
Boman owns Reno Summit Jazzercise on West Fourth Street which is the only premier center in the state of Nevada. The certified instructor has a blast teaching up on stage to a packed room of Jazzercisers. “It's like a party to get your blood pumping,” says Boman. There is quite a following in Reno-Sparks area. Around the world, there are 250,000 Jazzercise clients dancing to better health in 32 countries. Why is it so popular? "You're working out, but you're not going to know that you worked out,” says Boman, “Not even for a minute. It's so fun!"
Mary Bailey is regularly front and center in class. She credits years of Jazzercise for keeping her body and mind young – even at 90 years old! "I love everyone in the exercise. They are so friendly and they just make me want to be here forever," says Bailey.
Younger generations are jumping into workouts, too. From 20-somethings to women who've been Jazzercising for decades and even men, too. Boman says it is for everyone because all the movements can be modified, "It's a hard program, but it's easy on the body as far as being able to do it. Our average customer goes for eight years." There is even a program for 16-to-21 year old girls to empower them to take control of their health. Along with cardio on the dance floor, there are elements of strength training, kickboxing, yoga and Pilates. If you are interested, dust off those memories from the 80's because this is the new generation of Jazzercise.
Unlimited classes cost $69 per month. Jazzercise Girl Force costs $25 per month. The Jazzercise Premier Center is located at 8550 W 4th Street. The brand new second location can be found at 2910 Mill Street, Suite C1 at the corner of Terminal Way. To learn more, call (775) 857-8957 or log on to http://www.jazzercise.com/.