Why did Greg Harris kill his wife Chiquita Tate?

The brutal 2009 stabbing of reputed Louisiana defense attorney Chiquita Tate was a tragedy allegedly orchestrated by her then-husband Greg Harris.

Sources stated that Harris, who was facing financial problems at the time, was to gain thousands of dollars in life insurance claims after his wife's death. As reported by Complete Sports Breaking News, Chiquita was about to file for divorce, but Harris did not want her to leave him, and therefore murdered her in a fit of rage.

Further evidence suggested that their marriage was tainted by domestic violence and they were living separately at the time of the murder. Prosecutors believe the husband's controlling behavior mixed with his financial needs led to the murder.

Two years later, Greg Harris was found guilty based on circumstantial evidence, and sentenced to 40 years in prison. In 2020, Heavy reported that he was serving his sentence at the Louisiana Department of Corrections.

He is likely still serving his prison term, although his current whereabouts remain undisclosed.

Chiquita Tate's murder case was explored in details in the latest episode of Lifetime's Meet, Marry, Murder. The episode aired on October 10, 2022, at 9 pm ET.

How a contradictory statement and blood evidence led to the arrest of Greg Harris in the Chiquita Tate murder case

Chiquita Tate, a rising star defense attorney, was stabbed to death in her office building in February 2009.

Upon examination, it was revealed that she was stabbed 43 times. The only piece of evidence at the crime scene was her missing wallet and strands of long hair clutched in her fists. However, it was later revealed that both the items were a farce, used by the perpetrator to mislead authorities.

Subsequent investigations proved that Chiquita's husband Greg was lying to authorities about this whereabouts on the night of the incident. He initially claimed to have visited his wife to drop her dinner, and said that he went straight home afterwards. But as domestic violence allegations surfaced, authorities started looking into him as a suspect.

Harris later contradicted himself in a statement, saying that at the time of the incident, he went to Gardere Lane to get his steroids, the same place where the victim's missing wallet was discovered. A few days after the murder, officials reportedly received an anonymous call from someone who alleged that Chiquita Tate was having an affair. The call was traced back to Greg Harris' sister.

Greg's family kept insisting that he had nothing to do with the killing, and claimed that Greg himself was attacked in the Baker home that night. His father, Silver Harris, reportedly said:

"Someone came up to his bedroom window about 3:40 in the morning and shoots into the bedroom window five times with a 10 mm gun, hoping that he was in the bed. It just so happened that Greg fell asleep on the sofa. God saved him. He was not in the bed."

However, authorities ruled that Greg likely staged the attack to mislead investigators.

Soon after, police found blood evidence in Greg's house and on his sunglasses, thereby leading to his ultimate arrest and charges being formally filed against him.

District attorney Prem Burns said that Greg Harris felt Chiquita Tate intended to leave him and that his motivation for carrying out the horrific murder was the $60,000 life insurance benefit he would be entitled to, upon her death.

Reportedly, Burns made a statement, saying:

"She was butchered and I don’t need anything more."

However, Harris' defense attorney denied the claims, stating,

"He had too much going for him. We did not buy into the prosecutor’s theory that he would do it because he was under some financial stress."

Chiquita Tate's husband Greg Harris found guilty after a 16-day trial

The high-profile trial of Greg Harris, who was accused of second-degree murder, started in March 2011. For the trial, Harris had Lewis Unglesby, one of the finest defense attorneys in the region.

Across the 16-day trial, Harris' attorney repeatedly claimed that the murder was not committed by his client. Unglesby reportedly told CNN:

"I don't know anybody that thinks he did it, except the police."

After deliberating for over three hours, a jury found the defendant guilty on the charge of manslaughter. Burns said that after conversing with the jury, she discovered that the members were certain that a manslaughter conviction would result in the same punishment as second-degree murder.

Harris was given 40 years without the possibility of parole and is currently serving his sentence. His exact location remains unknown.

Chiquita Tate's murder by husband Greg Harris was explored in the latest episode of Lifetime's Meet, Marry, Murder.

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