Plies is having a field day on Donald Trump in the wake of the ex-president's 4th indictment ... gunning for 45's Black supporters wearing their allegiance on their chest.
🤣🤣🤣 The Look U Give When U Been Yelling “Lock Her Up” & “The Biden Crime Family” .. But U The B*tch That’s Really The Criminal!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 U Can Fool Everybody But God!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 #Plies #IGotMotion pic.twitter.com/1Gd5yjeH2q
— Plies (@plies) August 25, 2023 @pliesThe "Ritz Carlton" rapper poked fun at Trump's mug shot and the seemingly inaccurate stats -- 6'3", 215 lbs -- on his booking sheet. Plies is also taking it to the Georgia man who went viral earlier this week for conducting an interview while wearing a shirt that says "N**** 4 Trump."
This is a thing 😂😂😂 #Trump #MAGA #Niggas4Trump #TrumpMugShot #LetsGoBrandon pic.twitter.com/X1Xw7DDJFw
— AltBlackNews | We don't all think alike. (@altblacknews) August 24, 2023 @altblacknewsPlies didn't hold his tongue and accused the man (and everyone like him) of being cornballs back in high school ... while smelling funky and never getting haircuts.

There's been a lot of contention for African Americans affiliated with the Republican party as of late ... Charlamagne and GOP presidential candidate Larry Elder went blow-for-blow this week, splitting opinions down the middle.
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