[ads1 id=”alignright”]It wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that Christina Ricci became an instant hit the first time she appears on screen because we can all remember her fondly as Wednesday in the Addams Family movies.
Over the years, Christina established herself as a talented, versatile actress, thanks to the many complex roles she played over time.
Having said that, let us point out that she also has her fair share of controversy when it comes to her appearance, with many people claiming that she went under the knife repeatedly over these past few years.
Judging from her looks alone, we couldn’t say for a fact that she had work done on herself, so even if she did go under the knife, it might have been something very subtle. In fact, you will find her appearance to be pretty consistent over time, at least as far as her face is concerned.
Even so, it should be said that the most credible allegation is that according to which Christina underwent a breast reduction surgery a few years ago. In this respect, we should point out that her chest size does appear to alter in size when examining photographs of the actress close by.
If we are to look at recent pictures of Christina Ricci and compare them with pictures of her older self, we can see how the shape and overall size of her breasts seems to change ever so slightly, with no explanation other than an alleged breast reduction surgery.
Furthermore, there are some who say that Christina had a nose job at some point and even some work done on her jaw, but the evidence is minimal when it comes to supporting such claims. Still, it does appear that Christina may have had an intervention on her breasts and not for the usual reasons many actresses go down that path.
Celebrity watchers have been saying for quite a while now that massive breasts just aren’t cutting it anymore in Hollywood, which may explain why many actresses no longer feel the need to embellish their natural assets.
For what is worth, let it be said that Christina Ricci never really had massive breasts, even though they were definitely quite large given her height and body frame. For this reason, it wouldn’t necessarily be too much of an issue if she did, indeed, have the breast reduction surgery people have accused her of.