Mischa Barton Apologizes for Wildly Inappropriate Instagram Post

Mischa Barton is not perfect, people.

Anyone who watched her performance as Marissa Cooper on The OC is well aware of this fact.

But the actress (former actress?) has taken to Instagram in order to drive this point home in the form of an apology.

Barton came under major fire this week when she addressed the sad situation of Alton Sterling being shot dead by police in Louisiana.

The tragic incident took place on Tuesday.

Based on the video (below), it certainly appears as if Sterling had already been detained by officers and placed on the ground at the time these cops opened fire, ending his life on the spot.

Take a look at the disturbing footage for yourself:

In response to the seemingly senseless death, Barton wrote the following on her social media account:

I’m truly heart broken to watch videos like the #altonsterling execution.

This may have been going on forever in the United States but thank god the pigs get caught on camera now. Its unthinkable and an embarrassment to America. The country I was brought up in.

Somebody make change. We need gun control and unity. And a real President so think about that when this election is around the corner. The world is a precarious place right now.#stop #reflect and #act appropriately.

It’s hard to take issue with any of these words, right?

So, what was the problem with Barton’s post?

She included the following photo along with it:

Somehow, it did not occur to Barton that an image of her relaxing in a bikini on board a yacht might not be the most appropriate setting in which one ought to touch on the topic of racial injustice.

After deleting the photo, yet still receiving a great deal of backlash, Barton shared the following Mea Culpa on her Instagram account today:

"I’m human, I’m not perfect, and I’m sorry if my Instagram post went out of context. I didn’t mean to offend anyone."

We can’t say we’re big fans of the I’m not perfect defense, but whatever. It’s better than no apology at all, right?

In the wake of Sterling’s death, along with subsequent shooting of Philando Castile, many stars have sent messages of pain, anger and hope on social media.




And here’s a rundown of those who have been outspoken on the topic of inequality in America:

18 Celebrities Who Think #BlackLivesMatter

