Calum Von Moger is not on good terms with his baby's mother and wants to raise his son on his own.
Calum Von Moger recently made headlines when Kenny KO, a popular YouTube fitness commentator, posted a video on his YouTube channel with Nicola Segura claiming that she had given birth to Moger's baby in September 2019.
Calum Von Moger (Source: Trimmed&Toned)
Von Moger Has A Baby Boy Named Kairos
In Kenny's YouTube video, which was posted in February 2020, Segura, a social media influencer, revealed the nature of her relationship with three-time 'Mr. Universe' Calum Von Moger.
She revealed that she met Moger through a mutual friend a couple of years ago, which led them to date for a few months. Eventually, she got pregnant with his baby towards the end of 2019.
On announcing her pregnancy to Moger, he made it very clear that he wanted her to undergo an abortion. However, her conscience didn't allow her to do that, so she decided to keep the baby and take care of it herself. She named their son Kairos.
Calum Expresses Desire To Experience Fatherhood
In response to Kenny's video, Von Moger also shared a video. He acknowledged that he was indeed the father of Segura's child and was looking forward to raising the baby without the mother.
Basically, I just want you guys to know that I want the absolute best for this kid… my son, he’s going to have great child support and I’m going to be there as much as I can be for him as a father. I’m looking forward to raising him without the mother, I don’t want to have anything to do with her. That’s life, it is what it is, as long as I’ve got my son, that’s all that matters.
-Calum Von Moger, 2020
Lawsuits Going Back And Forth
Keeping true to his word, Moger went ahead and sued Segura for full custody of their son Kairos after she had sued him earlier for child support.
It is pretty evident that after the custody battle, there are absolutely no chances of Moger and Segura getting back together. They had dated only for a while. Von Moger said that making Segura his wife or even establishing a romantic relationship is out of the question.
Segura has been a dedicated mother to Kairos, as is apparent from her social media posts. The baby has been with her every step of the way since birth. She has even gone ahead and made a separate social media account for baby Kairos.
The Australian Actor Has Many Accomplishments
The world-famous bodybuilder and actor Von Moger has won multiple trophies for his physique from a very young age. He won the 'Junior Mr. Universe' competition in Austria at the age of 21. He had also won the 'Pro-WFF/NABBA Mr. Universe' contest in South Korea in 2014 and the 'Pro-WFF/NABBA Mr. Universe' competition held in France in 2015.
In addition to winning the 'Mr. Universe' title three times, he has also won the 'NABBA Junior International Championships' and 'NABBA Class 1 International Championships' in Melbourne, Australia. He has many other accomplishments in which even though he hasn't held the first position, he has always been among the top contestants.