A horrific mass shooting broke out in San Jacinto County, Texas, on April 28, 2023. The suspect identified as Francisco Oropesa was arrested after an extensive manhunt. On Wednesday, Francisco’s wife, Divimara Lamar Nava, was also taken into custody, as confirmed by Montgomery County Sheriff Rand Henderson.
In the aforementioned mass shooting in Texas, five people were killed. Oropesa’s wife initially refused to answer about his whereabouts in connection to the shootout. However, cops later arrested Divimara Lamar Nava after suspecting her of hiding him when they were looking for the alleged gunman.
Authorities further accused Nava of assisting the Texas mass shooting suspect by “providing material aid and encouragement, food, clothes, and arranged transport.” She is currently held on a felony charge of hindering the prosecution of a known felon, and a bond of $250,000 has been issued for her.
The wife of the Texas mass shooting suspect has been arrested after she was accused of hiding him when police were looking for him
In a mass shooting that took place in Texas on April 28, 2023, at around 11:31 pm local time, five individuals were killed. The list of victims even included a nine-year-old boy. A four-day manhunt came to an end on May 2, 2023, when Francisco was arrested.
He was reportedly asked by a neighbor to not fire his AR-15 rifle in his yard since the neighbor’s baby was trying to sleep. However, the alleged gunman refused and instead entered the neighbor’s house and opened fire.
Five people were shot down, of which four died at the scene. Although the nine-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital, he was declared dead shortly after that. Additionally, three underaged kids were found covered in blood, but they suffered no physical harm. The five victims were identified as Sonia Argentina Guzmán (25), Diana Velázquez Alvarado (21), Julisa Molina Rivera (31), José Jonathan Casárez (18), and Daniel Enrique Laso-Guzmán.
Although 38-year-old Nava denied knowing about her husband's whereabouts initially, she was later accused of hiding him during the manhunt and was taken into custody. San Jacinto County Chief Deputy Tim Kean said that the Texas shooting suspect possibly was “settling” into his hideout, as he thought he was safe there. After the arrest, he was charged with five counts of murder.
San Jacinto County District Attorney Todd Dillon confirmed that apart from Francisco’s wife, another individual named Domingo Castilla was also arrested for allegedly helping out the Texas shooting suspect. However, law enforcement officials stated that the man was a friend of the suspect and was taken into custody for the possession of marijuana. A bond of $5,000 has been set for Castilla by the San Jacinto County Justice of the Peace Judge Randy Ellisor.
Nava reportedly sent a message on behalf of Francisco to his cousins to help him get out of the country
Authorities further revealed that Francisco and Nava had been arrested from an area around two miles from the site where the horrific shooting was carried out.
When the manhunt was on, authorities also declared a reward of about $80,000 for anybody who could provide information regarding the suspect’s whereabouts that could lead to his arrest. At around 5.15 pm local time on May 2, he was arrested. An FBI spokesperson confirmed that the identity of the tipster will not be revealed.
In this entire process, Divimara Lamar Nava has been believed to have helped the suspect hide and escape getting arrested. Dillon further stated that the wife had accused Francisco of punching her in the face and kicking her mouth, face, and backsid in June 2022. Despite the accusations, she chose to not file charges against the Texas shooting suspect.
Chief Deputy Kean said:
“Anybody that helped this maniac definitely has some kind of issues as far as I’m concerned.”The cops have described the Texas mass shooting to have been carried out in an “execution style.” The gunman is being held on a $5 million bond. Dillon additionally commented:
“The initial count was a $5 million bond. We felt that was sufficient to detain him until further investigation takes place. The other four are likely to be filed and can happen as soon as today.”San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers said:
“They can rest easy now because he is behind bars. He will live out his life behind bars for killing those five.”Investigating officers further claimed that Divimara Lamar Nava was talking to cops and assisting Francisco in escaping arrest simultaneously. According to prosecutors, Nava sent a message from the alleged gunman to his cousins residing in the area and asked them to help him get out of the United States.
However, the cousins refused to help the 38-year-old Texas shooter. According to Kean and the Sheriff’s Office, “several other arrests” were made, but additional details regarding the same are yet to be revealed.
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