Sea of Stars: How To Get the Map & Explore All Islands

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Sea of Stars is an unexpectedly vast game with diverse regions to explore. Unlike many games that obscure the map until players have reached that destination, Sea of Stars lays it all out there as soon as the map is picked up.

However, with several islands populating this piece of paper and a brand-new ship, the thrill of adventure can be a bit daunting. This guide offers a complete rundown of every island on the Sea of Stars map and what adventure awaits there.

Table of Contents

Sea of Stars: How to Open the Map

After booting up the game, it instantly becomes evident that there is no minimap in any of the top or bottom corners of the screen. Sea of Stars invites players to uncover its secrets unguided. Yet, a glimmer of hope shines: a complete map can be accessed after the story.

Related: Sea of Stars: Fishing Guide – All Fish, Tips, & Locations

After unlocking the Vespertine ship once the first Dweller has been defeated, players unlock the Map. With the Vespertine, players get a ghost captain companion named Hortence, who’ll gladly tag along in our journey after saving her ship.

All Islands in Sea of Stars’ Map

Evermist Island

Sleeper Island

Wraith Island

Watcher Island

Settler Island

Mesa Island

This guide is a work in progress and will be added to soon.

About the author

Cande Maldonado

Though Cande started her journey in the video game industry as a localization specialist six years ago, she soon realized that her true calling was to annoy NPCS, smash virtual pottery, and complete every side quest available in RPGs. Throwing that useless degree out of the window, she has been writing professionally for the past three years ever since. Her passion for games dates to 2006, when she mounted a Chocobo for the first time. Under Nintendo and Square Enix's chokehold, she will willingly pour hours upon hours into reaching 100% completion in the longest roleplaying games ever made. But hey, who needs fresh air and sunlight when you can just live in Ivalice?

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