Meredith Carriker, with a degree in engineering, has decided to follow her passion and stay completely independent of anyone.
Exactly what will make a person ditch a career in engineering? You could ask Meredith for some ideas as she has ditched hers to do other things that she finds joy and fulfilment in doing.
So who is Meredith Carriker? In this article, we tell you more about her life as a person, what she does after ditching her engineering degree, her net worth, age and many more things that you need to know about her.
Meredith Carriker biography

Meredith Carriker is an American blogger who writes about so many things including family, beauty, fashion and workout routines.
Born in 1986 in Arkansas, Meredith’s actual date of birth is unknown.
Born in 1986, Meredith Carriker is currently 36 years old but what is not known is her date of birth, as there wasn’t much known about her before she found some fame in her blogging career after putting her engineering degree in the house.
Meredith began her high school education in Texas and proceeded to Texas A&M University where she had a degree in civil engineering.
After her graduation, she is believed to have taken up some minimal jobs in a bid to support her husband Matt Carriker go to Veterinary school to be trained to heal animals.
When she and her husband started to welcome children into their home, she became somewhat of a housewife trying to take care of their children at home.
While at home, she didn’t just want to stay idle, she decided to do things to keep her busy and that made her start writing.
She ultimately started working on her husband’s YouTube series, Off The Ranch and Demolition Ranch, and as time went on, she did start her own.
Meredith Carriker clothing line
In October 2019, she launched her online fashion shop, Shopthelinc and in 2020, she launched her line of athletic shirts.
This and many others ensured that she doesn’t just depend on her husband but she is doing something that would be able to offer some financial support to her husband when the need arises.
Net worth

Meredith Carriker actual net worth isn’t quite known as of yet but what is out there is her husband, Matt Carriker’s net worth which is estimated to be around $2 million.
Meredith Carriker husband

Let’s talk about her husband, shall we?
Who is Matt Carriker, Meredith’s husband?
Matt Carriker is a YouTuber, posting videos on YouTube about her personal life.
His wife was so supportive in this journey that when she stayed home doing nothing, she would often help him to find content ideas in order to keep his numerous subscribers coming back to the channel.
Engineer Meredith
As mentioned before, Meredith Carriker is a Civil Engineer with a degree from Texas A&M University.
She has not practised for a while because she chose to stay at home and take care of her husband Matt’s business.