Teresa Terry is the ex-wife of Todd Chrisley, the real estate mogul-turned-reality TV star. Teresa and Todd were high school sweethearts and married in 1990. Their union produced two kids before it crashed in 1996, with Terry accusing her husband of assault, battery, and threats to her life.
Following the divorce, Todd Chrisley and his ex-wife have often given each other a wide berth, but in 2019, Todd accused Teresa of masterminding the legal woes that he was encountering, namely his investigation for federal bank fraud and tax evasion charges. He also alleged that Terry influenced their kids to help the authorities in the investigation, which eventually led to his indictment as well as the indictment of his present wife, Julie Chrisley. Terry has since maintained silence, but it is quite obvious that there is no love lost between her and her ex-husband.
How Teresa Terry Met Her Former Husband, Todd Chrisley
Teresa Terry first met Todd Chrisley when she was a 17-year-old high school student in Westminster, South Carolina. The two quickly became friends and eventually commenced a romantic relationship. The inseparable love birds dated for two years and subsequently tied the knot upon discovering that Terry was pregnant. The wedding ceremony was a large affair and attracted nearly all of their townspeople.
Following their nuptials, Terry and Chrisley settled down to family life. They were relatively well-to-do and had much fun as a young couple. Their joy further increased after they welcomed two kids: daughter Lindsie Michael and son Kyle Chrisley.
Teresa Terry and Todd Chrisley Battled Abuse in Their Relationship
As earlier stated, Teresa Terry and Todd Chrisley initially enjoyed a blissful union. Their relationship, however, turned sour after the real estate mogul began manifesting controlling tendencies. As the story goes, Chrisley insisted on things being done a certain way. He also flared up at the slightest provocation and would often not speak to his wife for days. This behavior put a strain on the couple’s union, prompting them to separate on several occasions, although they would always get back together again.
The couple later reached a point of no return after Chrisley allegedly began abusing her physically. According to Terry, he routinely battered her and even stripped her of her clothes on one occasion. He also allegedly threatened her life, which made her flee their home for good. She subsequently filed for divorce in November 1994, and it was finalized in April 1996.

Where Is Todd Chrisley’s Ex-wife?
Terry and Chrisley have remained locked in a frosty relationship since their divorce was settled. During the proceedings, both sides were not willing to compromise but rather asked for full legal and physical custody of their two children. The court, in its wisdom, however, decided to split custody between the two parties.
Ongoing Fight for Custody of their Kids
Following this decision, Terry moved back to South Carolina to make the arrangement workable. She and Chrisley maintained relative peace until 2000, when the real estate mogul relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. He did not stop at that but also launched another suit seeking full custody of the kids.
The courts, however, rejected his entreaties and insisted on shared custody, but they acquiesced to the kids, making Atlanta their primary base, but stipulated that Terry should get them on holidays, vacations, and weekends. Chrisley subsequently reneged on this agreement. He also sued his ex-wife for a large sum of child support in 2012 but lost the case.
The strained relationship between Terry and her ex-husband continues to this present day. In August 2019, the IRS charged Chrisley and his current wife, Julie, with several counts of tax evasion, wire fraud, and conspiracy. They accused the reality TV stars of actively evading tax payments. They also accused them of fraudulently obtaining loans from several banks. Chrisley and Julie denied these allegations and maintained their innocence.
They also addressed the issue on their podcast titled Chrisley Confessions. On the podcast, Chrisley suggested that Terry was the whistleblower who had reported them to the authorities. He also claimed that his ex-wife reportedly told their son Kyle that he would get a portion of the recovered sum if he assisted the IRS in their investigations.
Terry has yet to address these allegations. Her son Kyle has, however, supported his father’s claims. According to the young man, his mother and sister approached him back in 2018 and urged him to betray his father to the Georgia Department of Tax Evasions. He agreed to do so at that time because he was estranged from his father but he has since had a change of heart after he patched things up with his old man, hence the reason why he chose to come clean about the situation to him.
Where Is Teresa Terry Two Decades After Divorcing Her Husband?
Teresa Terry has moved on after their divorce, however, she mentioned that she felt unsafe at one time and noticed a laser beam coming into her house. She pointed fingers at her former husband. She shared her concerns with the Daily Mail that she felt her ex-husband, Todd Chrisley, hired someone to follow her.
As of today, Teresa and her new husband live in rural Oklahoma along with their children, and looking back at her marriage to Todd Chrisley, she has mentioned that she would never go back to the relationship, doesn’t miss her husband, and has no regrets about leaving the marriage.