We know that they are running rampant in Washington D.C. Please share if you have any stories.
by Anonymous | reply 94 | March 3, 2019 4:26 PM |
Miss Muriel, please hush up this thread! Heavens to betsy, is anyone in charge of this place?
by Anonymous | reply 1 | June 20, 2017 8:06 PM |
There are so many, OP! Oh, I've heard rumors about these naughty boys!
by Anonymous | reply 3 | June 20, 2017 8:15 PM |
Tom Cotton (photographed at JR's in Dallas)
Trey Gowdy (?)
Adam Kinzinger
John Thune
by Anonymous | reply 5 | June 20, 2017 8:38 PM |
Hmm..Trey Gowdy...interesting....
by Anonymous | reply 6 | June 20, 2017 8:39 PM |
^ He's just a guess -- no dirt that I know of.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | June 20, 2017 8:45 PM |
I have suspected a closet in his midst.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | June 20, 2017 8:50 PM |
Paul Ryan is definitely on the down low. I heard from a DC friend of mine that he loves young black twinks. I don't know how true it is. But I've heard that from a few people actually. So who knows.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | June 20, 2017 8:51 PM |
Would love that simian looking doofus Paul "I'm not quite there yet" Ryan to be caught with his pants down.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | June 20, 2017 9:01 PM |
"Tom Cotton (photographed at JR's in Dallas)"
by Anonymous | reply 13 | June 20, 2017 9:05 PM |
R12 Going to a foam party in your underwear and getting your picture taken is the opposite of being in the closet. I'm just saying.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | June 20, 2017 9:08 PM |
How about that miserable Turtle Man, he's got to be a closet case, the Asian wife alone gives him away. Maybe that's why he's so angry and bitter, he can't come out!
by Anonymous | reply 15 | June 20, 2017 9:10 PM |
I meant JR's in DC, not Dallas.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 17 | June 20, 2017 9:19 PM |
Bobby Jindal! Does anyone remember his 2009 State of the Union response, when he sashayed past that staircase like Alexis Carrington?
Deep in the homophobic republican closet.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | June 20, 2017 9:22 PM |
^ You got a gay vibe from that? I got a Sling Blade/Gomer Pyle vibe.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 19 | June 20, 2017 9:32 PM |
Pardon me, ma'am, but where did you get that haircut?
by Anonymous | reply 21 | June 20, 2017 9:38 PM |
This article is a couple of years old 01/07/2014
17 Politicians Who’ve Faced Gay Rumors Or Sex Scandals
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 22 | June 20, 2017 10:23 PM |
96 # days since the last prominent homophobe was caught in a gay sex scandal:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 23 | June 20, 2017 10:30 PM |
Interesting tidbit about Ryan.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | June 20, 2017 10:51 PM |
Wouldn't it be easier to list the ones that AREN'T gay?
by Anonymous | reply 25 | June 20, 2017 10:58 PM |
On the other hand, who'd want any of these creeps to be gay? They're all unattractive and ReThugs!
by Anonymous | reply 27 | June 20, 2017 11:08 PM |
R24 I said the same thing when I was told that. I was told that he messes with black twinkish guy's in there twenties. And also that there's about 5 different DC hotels that he stays. I also know that Ryan some times sleeps in his office on capitol hill. But occasionally stays in hotels.
One more thing. This person said that he not only prefer you black guys in there twenties but that's all he'll mess with. Because black guy's generally speaking typically tend to keep there mouth closed!!
Once again I don't know how true this is but I've heard very similar stories from other people as well. I'm guessing it's kinda like things people may know or suspect about some Hollywood stars. But know one ever really cross the line. As far as talking about it. So there you go.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | June 20, 2017 11:23 PM |
Wouldn't it be lovely to destroy that dead-eyed Ryan's career!
by Anonymous | reply 29 | June 20, 2017 11:27 PM |
[quote]Because black guy's generally speaking typically tend to keep there mouth closed!!
Plus they wouldn't notice your grammar, Paulie.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | June 20, 2017 11:42 PM |
How sad, gays could literally save the country by exposing the closet cases to their republican voters, but our hands are tied (by not wanting to out people).
by Anonymous | reply 31 | June 21, 2017 12:22 AM |
R30 I rushed typing my last post. But I said fuck it. It's just the DL.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | June 21, 2017 12:23 AM |
[quote]How about that miserable Turtle Man, he's got to be a closet case, the Asian wife alone gives him away.
He's gotta be.
Also I've never heard Trey Gowdy was gay til this thread, but if he is and gets outed, that will make me a very, very happy dyke. The worst libertarian and republican misogynists I know love that nasty big dumbo eared twit. They worship him like he's a quarterback on their favorite team, because they think he "destroys" the dems. I'd mail them all 2 copies of every paper if he got caught sucking peen.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | June 21, 2017 12:30 AM |
R31 the kind of guys ryan allegedly have relations with. Are not the type to go talk to the press. Especially if there being well compensated and helped to better there lives. Remember republicans are masters at bribery. And Ryan being someone as powerful as he is in the US federal government. I don't think anyone would cross him.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | June 21, 2017 12:39 AM |
Adrian Smith, congressman from Nebraska
by Anonymous | reply 35 | June 21, 2017 1:39 AM |
Trey Gowdy looks like a typical closet case.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | June 21, 2017 1:45 AM |
Gowdy looks like a vain, plastic-surgery-addicted socialite
by Anonymous | reply 37 | June 21, 2017 3:09 AM |
[quote]Closeted Republican Politicians
all of them
by Anonymous | reply 38 | June 21, 2017 3:18 AM |
I'm sorry-----but (high profile) Paul Ryan having paid sex escapades is very hard to imagine. He ran for VP and I would think that would have been an opportunity to discover and 'tell' others about this.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | June 21, 2017 3:24 AM |
A longstanding rumor holds that McConnell was throw out of the Army during the '60s for sodomy and that a Senator he interned for arranged to have it expunged from his record (he was officially discharged for medical reasons).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 40 | June 21, 2017 3:25 AM |
R14, that picture is from the nineties before Rubio was involved in politics. He probably knew nothing about the picture when it was taken , let alone that it would surface.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | June 21, 2017 3:26 AM |
That rumor about Ryan probably started because he just hired a (thirty something) black man as his Chief of Staff. It would be convenient for them to hook up, BUT as the Speaker of the House he is always trailed by the Capital Police (Congresses version of Secrete Service) so there would be a number of people to keep quiet. Not impossible in DC but very suspect.
As a young black liberal, I would do him in a second and keep my mouth shut. Sorry boys, good dick, powerful man, and a paycheck are worth more than exposing someone's hypocrisy.
Pic of Chief of Staff below, that man is basic (as is Ryan, but he is the 2nd/3rd most powerful person in America).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 42 | June 21, 2017 3:42 AM |
I'll also note that the prospect of being a politician kind of attracts people highly attracted to themselves, which I think manifests nicely with same-sex attraction. I believe VERY few politicians are Kinsey zeros. Similar to the creativeness of the arts, politics attracts homosexuals. This is anecdotal and not meant to offend my fellow gay brothers and sisters. I don't think everyone in Congress is gay, but I have a feeling that most skew bi, just given the personalities I encounter through my political interactions.
But, let's get back to the gossip. Need to forget about the GA loss.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | June 21, 2017 3:47 AM |
Please, Mitch McConnell married Elaine Chao - a total bearding relationship that suits them both. He seems straight - she gets even more political power. They're both awful.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | June 21, 2017 3:51 AM |
[quote]Adrian Smith, congressman from Nebraska
Why, don't you know he's married AND just announced the happy couple is expecting their first child?
(If it's a boy do you think they'll name it after his old boyfriend, the Frontier Flight Attendant?)
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 45 | June 21, 2017 4:01 AM |
And yet all this is just conjecture and mental masterbation. Rubio at a foam party. Yeah, that's proof. Ryan hires a black associate. You bet. Fucking.
Spend your energies kicking them out of office not this girlish silliness.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | June 21, 2017 4:05 AM |
Poor Cockgobbler doesn't even warrant a mention any more since his career is OVAH!
by Anonymous | reply 47 | June 21, 2017 4:07 AM |
r46 didn't read my post about Ryan's CoS which put water on the fire but keep hating on juicy gossip. I didn't we were only supposed to discuss political strategy at DL.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | June 21, 2017 4:13 AM |
Hillary Clinton.
The biggest DINO evuhhhhh
by Anonymous | reply 49 | June 21, 2017 4:13 AM |
Discuss what you want r48.
I'll read it.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | June 21, 2017 4:15 AM |
Orrin Hatch is probably the most attractive. How sad is that. And he's not a cheap bastard. He has an apartment.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | June 21, 2017 4:21 AM |
I would like to have a scandal with Paul Ryan. He isn't basic to me, but then my vision isn't so hot
by Anonymous | reply 52 | June 21, 2017 4:24 AM |
r51 that's funny you say that because I had just Googled him and said the same. Hatch is an attractive old man. Ryan could get this bussy.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | June 21, 2017 4:27 AM |
[quote]Hatch is an attractive old man.
Christ you people are desperate. No offense.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | June 21, 2017 4:37 AM |
Speculation about politicians aside, the REAL untold story is the percentage Reuplican congressional staff who are gay -- young, gay, white males: united in their privilege and their misogyny.
Anyone who works in DC knows this.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | June 21, 2017 4:46 AM |
r55 spill some stories. Like I said, politics attracts gay/bi men with an attraction to power, control, and fake personalities, just like acting.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | June 21, 2017 4:54 AM |
[quote]Christ you people are desperate. No offense.
Thank You! Some of the comments here are just plain freaky.
NONE of the listed supposedly closeted GOP creeps are attractive in any way, shape or form. Ryan is downright creepy. I don't get the erotic fantasies some DL posters have about this weirdo. He has dead eyes and his face is ugly. I think the Ryan lovers must think because he has a horse face he has a big cock, that's not always the case.
Orrin Hatch? He's an ugly feeble old man! He could barely answer the question he was asked the other day. His aide had to whisper in his ear. Chafitz? Another odd looking man.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | June 21, 2017 4:56 AM |
R55 is right. That is the real story. And it's mostly about racism.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | June 21, 2017 5:20 AM |
r58 everything is about racism in America. Most gay social scenes are segregated as fuck, so it's no wonder gays in politics cling to their privilege under the cover of conservatism.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | June 21, 2017 5:45 AM |
The thought of McConnell having sex with anyone is enough to make my skin crawl.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | June 21, 2017 6:35 AM |
[quote]Christ you people are desperate. No offense.
Yes, they [bold]are[/bold] desperate. And I don't care if I offend.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | June 21, 2017 7:26 AM |
Paul Ryan seems way too cautious to be fucking around, no matter how discreetly. Someone THAT ambitious would keep it in his pants, no? One cell-phone hotel pic is all it would take.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | June 21, 2017 8:05 AM |
Who is Turtle Man? McConnell?
BTW, here is the other alleged of photo Rubio photo that came out at the same time as the foam party one, working as a go-go boy in a gay club. Maybe but I don't quite see it. The foam party pic looks more like him even though you can't see the front of his face.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 63 | June 21, 2017 8:06 AM |
"Speculation about politicians aside, the REAL untold story is the percentage Reuplican congressional staff who are gay -- young, gay, white males: united in their privilege and their misogyny."
Yep, and what's sad is that even the most homophobic, far right nut jobs (like Jim Inhofe) have gay staffers working for them.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | June 21, 2017 4:37 PM |
Yeah so many congressional staffers are gay, by some analysis DC is the gayest place in America.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 65 | June 21, 2017 4:40 PM |
Sexual moralizing as a sign of hypocrisy I always take it for granted that sexual moralizing by public figures is a sign of hypocrisy or worse, and most usually a desire to perform the very act that is most being condemned. From King Lear: “Thou rascal beadle, hold thy bloody hand! Why dost thou lash that whore?… Thou hotly lust’st to use her in that kind, for which thou whip’st her.” This is why, whenever I hear some bigmouth in Washington or the Christian heartland banging on about the evils of sodomy or whatever, I mentally enter his name in my notebook and contentedly set my watch. Sooner rather than later, he will be discovered down on his weary and well-worn old knees in some dreary motel or latrine, with an expired Visa card, having tried to pay well over the odds to be peed upon by some Apache transvestite.
- Christopher Hitchens, "Hitch-22"
by Anonymous | reply 66 | June 21, 2017 4:46 PM |
I was never a huge fan of Hitchens, but that quote is great
by Anonymous | reply 67 | June 21, 2017 4:48 PM |
R63 That go-go show of Rubio was a high school performane; he was not a paid go-go dancer at bars.
Maybe Rubio is closeted, but photos also need to be in context.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | June 21, 2017 5:10 PM |
It's homophobia to insinuate that republicans are closeted gays.
Straight men are capable of being hate filled cum crusted socks.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | June 21, 2017 5:16 PM |
But, a closeted R is akin to cannabilism, whereas a straight homophobe is merely the hunter.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | June 21, 2017 5:51 PM |
I want to drag Tom Cotton around the bedroom by his dumbo ears and turn him into my sex slave. I want to make him cry and then beg for more dick. Does this make me a bad person?
by Anonymous | reply 72 | June 21, 2017 6:07 PM |
I suggest reading up on Turtleman's buddy (repeatedly on camera together these days, lying about their so-called Healthcare Bill) Senator Bare-asso. Lotsa smoke.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | June 21, 2017 6:20 PM |
"It's homophobia to insinuate that republicans are closeted gays."
No one said ALL Republicans are closeted gays, but clearly a number of them are. Just look at the ones who've been involved in gay scandals.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | June 22, 2017 1:50 AM |
You can put David Dreier (R, CA) on the list. He is no longer in Congress but his orientation was no secret and he voted anti-gay every time he could.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | June 22, 2017 3:50 AM |
David Dreier's longtime bf was his chief of staff. Are they still together?
by Anonymous | reply 77 | June 22, 2017 4:06 AM |
But Yertle the Turtle is in a storybook marriage to Sec. Chao?
by Anonymous | reply 80 | June 23, 2017 2:18 AM |
Out of the public eye, Santorum is practically fah-laming.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | June 23, 2017 4:05 AM |
He's pretty flaming IN the public eye, too
by Anonymous | reply 83 | June 23, 2017 4:10 AM |
Whose had Miss Lindsey, 'cause she ain't telling?
by Anonymous | reply 85 | June 24, 2017 1:57 AM |
A middle aged friend of mine said he once had an affair with a closeted past Republican congressman from Ohio but refuses to tell me who he was.
by Anonymous | reply 90 | March 3, 2019 2:07 PM |
Jared Kushner is trans and his beard/wife Ivanka a lesbian.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 91 | March 3, 2019 2:10 PM |
The halls of power be they the Catholic church or the U.S. Congress are filled with gay men. In the case of the former estimates are between 50 and 80 percent of the church clergy is gay, so imagine 538 congressmen and senators - if you dig deep you probably find similar rates of Kinsey 5's and 6's there too. Of course some of them are so fugly that you wouldn't want to fuck them with someone elses dick.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | March 3, 2019 2:47 PM |
Patrick McHenry is so deep in the closet he smells like moth balls
by Anonymous | reply 93 | March 3, 2019 4:19 PM |
[quote]The halls of power be they the Catholic church or the U.S. Congress are filled with gay men. In the case of the former estimates are between 50 and 80 percent of the church clergy is gay, so imagine 538 congressmen and senators
I don't get what the percentage of Catholic church closet cases has to do with the rate of closeted congressmen/women, r92. Why are you assuming it is the same?
by Anonymous | reply 94 | March 3, 2019 4:26 PM |