While we can show you all of the best ways to get free pickaxes in Jungle Treasures, it would be great if there were some pickaxe links too.
We set the record straight as to why there none yet - and why we don't think there will be any either.
Free Pickaxe Links - None Yet - Here's Why
Ever since the partner event, Spooky Car Partners, where Scopely distributed a lot of free token links, people have been wondering if they would also get free stuff links for subsequent partner events and also other special events such as Prize Drop, Egyptian Treasures, Moonlight Treasures and now Jungle Treasures.
So this has got people searching for pickaxe links for events such as Jungle Treasures.
The fact is we don't always see links for partners event tokens, and we have never seen and links for other special items outside of some partner events, so we really don't think that there will be any free Pickaxe links for and treasure dig event.
There are still plenty of ways to pickaxes in the game however, and all of the ways are explained in detail here: How to Play and Get More Pickaxes in Jungle Treasures.
To summarize however, you can get pickaxes in the game like this:
While there we no free pickaxe links, there are still free dice links, they usually get you 25 free dice while they are active, you can check out our list which we update daily, here - Free Dice Links Monopoly Go.