Is Bob Ross a Serial Killer? The Truth Behind the Happy Painter

Bob Ross is widely known as the host of the popular PBS show The Joy of Painting, where he taught millions of viewers how to create beautiful landscapes with oil paints and a calm, soothing voice. But is there a darker side to the man who painted happy little trees and clouds? Some people have speculated that Bob Ross was actually a serial killer, who used his painting skills to cover up his crimes. In this article, we will examine the evidence for and against this theory, and try to answer the question: is Bob Ross a serial killer?

The Case for Bob Ross as a Serial Killer

Some of the arguments that support the idea that Bob Ross was a serial killer are:

  • He was in the military. Bob Ross served in the US Air Force for 20 years, rising to the rank of master sergeant. He was stationed in Alaska, where he first saw the snow and mountains that inspired his paintings. Some serial killers have a military background, such as Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz, and Ted Bundy. According to Psychology Today, some serial killers may develop a taste for violence and killing during their military service, or may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that triggers their homicidal impulses.
  • He had a missing finger. Bob Ross lost part of his left index finger while working as a carpenter with his father. He hid his injury by holding his palette in his left hand while painting. Some serial killers have physical deformities or injuries that make them feel insecure or inferior, such as John Wayne Gacy, who had a heart condition and was overweight, or Richard Ramirez, who had rotten teeth and a scarred face.
  • He had a secret identity. Bob Ross adopted a hippie persona and a distinctive afro hairstyle for his TV show, but he was actually very different in real life. He was a strict disciplinarian in the military, and he hated his hair, which he permed to save money on haircuts. He also wore blue jeans and a button-down shirt instead of his trademark denim shirt and jeans. Some serial killers have a double life or a false identity that they use to lure their victims or evade detection, such as Dennis Rader, who was a church leader and a family man, or Ted Bundy, who was a charming law student.
  • He painted scenes of his crimes. Bob Ross painted hundreds of landscapes that featured mountains, lakes, forests, cabins, and bridges. Some people have suggested that these paintings were actually depictions of the locations where he killed his victims and disposed of their bodies. He may have used his painting skills to alter or erase any evidence of his crimes. He also painted animals such as squirrels, birds, and deer, which he may have killed or tortured as well.

The Case Against Bob Ross as a Serial Killer

Some of the arguments that refute the idea that Bob Ross was a serial killer are:

  • He was a peaceful and gentle person. Bob Ross was known for his positive and uplifting attitude, his love for nature and animals, and his kindness towards his fans and students. He often said phrases such as “there are no mistakes, only happy accidents” and “we don’t make mistakes, we have happy little trees”. He donated many of his paintings to charities and public television stations. He also cared for injured wildlife, such as Peapod the pocket squirrel, who appeared on his show several times. According to Britannica, most serial killers are motivated by psychological gratification, such as anger, thrill-seeking, or sexual satisfaction. Bob Ross did not seem to exhibit any of these traits.
  • He had no criminal record or history of violence. Bob Ross never had any run-ins with the law or any allegations of abuse or misconduct. He was married three times and had one son, Steve, who also became a painter and appeared on his show. He had many friends and colleagues who spoke highly of him and his work. He died of lymphoma in 1995 at the age of 52. According to Wikipedia, most serial killers start killing in their late twenties or early thirties and continue until they are caught or die. Bob Ross did not fit this profile.
  • He painted from imagination or reference photos. Bob Ross did not paint from real life scenes, but from his imagination or from reference photos that he took or collected. He often used the same elements in different combinations to create different paintings. He also taught his viewers how to paint using simple techniques and tools that anyone could use. He did not paint with any hidden messages or clues that could link him to any crimes.
  • There is no evidence of any victims or crimes. There is no concrete evidence that Bob Ross ever killed anyone or committed any crimes. There are no missing persons reports, no crime scenes, no bodies, no DNA, no witnesses, no confessions, no motives, nothing that could tie him to any murders. There are only rumors and speculations based on his appearance, his background, and his paintings.


Is Bob Ross a serial killer? The answer is most likely no. There is no credible evidence that supports this theory, and there are many reasons that contradict it. Bob Ross was a talented and beloved painter and TV personality who brought joy and inspiration to millions of people. He was not a monster who hid behind a smile and a brush. He was simply a happy painter who painted happy little trees.
