When starting your Fire Emblem Engage adventure, one of the first real choices you make is to select if your main character will be male or female. You can only choose one of these options, and after you’ve made this selection at the start of the game, you won’t be able to change it again. This decision might cause some players to halt and consider what they might miss out on if they don’t select a specific gender for their main character. Here’s what you need to know about if you should play as Male or Female Alear in Fire Emblem Engage.
Are there differences to playing as a Male or Female Alear in Fire Emblem Engage?
There will be a handful of differences when picking between a Male or Female Alear in Fire Emblem Engage. For example, a handful of classes will be gender locked in the game, and if your character’s gender does not meet the requirements to play a specific class, you won’t be able to unlock it on your main character. Instead, you’ll need a different character to unlock it, giving them access to those unique abilities and attributes.
Related: How long does Fire Emblem Engage take to beat? Full Game Length
In addition to the classes you won’t be able to unlock with your main character, there will also be fewer romance options available for you to pursue. While exploring Fire Emblem Engage, some characters you add to your party won’t want to be with you unless you’re a compatible partner that they find attractive. Unfortunately, this may prevent you from having your main character unlock a romance with another party member you connect with.
Outside of these two factors, there are not too many other things to consider. The game should play, and the plot should unravel the same regardless of your gender. When it comes down to selecting which of the two to pick, we recommend choosing one of the two gender options for your first playthrough and then selecting the other for a second playthrough. This way, you can explore any small details you may have missed during your initial progression. Regardless, the choice is up to you, and there are not too many adverse effects to picking one over the other.
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Zack Palm
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