Louise said William Thoresen III's threats eventually evolved into more sadistic physical abuse. As reported by The New York Times, Louise said Thoresen struck her with his fists, sliced her with razor blades, and even stabbed her. Louise believed he would eventually kill her, as he also forced her to write suicide notes to her family and friends.
Classic Chicago Magazine reports Louise claimed Thoresen confessed to her that he committed at least three murders, including the shooting death of his younger brother. Louise said the confessions, and her ongoing fear for her own life prompted her to shoot and kill Thoresen in self-defense. According to The New York Times, Louise, who was charged with but acquitted of Thoresen's murder, said, "Despite everything rotten he'd been responsible for in my life, I loved him deeply."
In recent years, it has been suggested that Thoresen was also responsible for the murder of Valerie Percy. UPI reports FBI files, which were obtained by WLS-TV, Chicago, named Thoresen as a suspect in the brutal crime. Investigators noted Thoresen lived fewer than two blocks from the Percy home when the young woman was killed — yet she was not among the three people Thoresen allegedly said he killed, per Classic Chicago Magazine.
According to UPI, they also noted that Thoresen had ongoing mental health concerns, violent tendencies, and had access to multiple weapons. Although authorities did question Thoresen about Percy's death, he denied any involvement, and no concrete evidence linking him to the crime was ever found.