Monica Lewinsky Married, Husband, Age, Children, Divorce, Spouse, Boyfriend, Net Worth

Monica Lewinsky, not so much seen nowadays, had risen to fame after she was assured to have involved in the inappropriate sexual relationship with President Bill Clinton in 1998. Bill Clinton, husband of the former secretary of White House; Hillary Clinton, was the 42nd President of United States during 1993 to 2001. The scandal had taken place in between 1995 to 1996 and had come to light in 1998.

Monica Lewinsky married, Husband, Divorce

After the scandal, Monica seemed to have faced many public and cyber bullying. Upset and frustrated with the public bully and negative media, she had moved ahead to London where she pursued her studies. The cyber-bullying and public insults were so much at the peak that she could neither get into any relationship nor get married. She never had any husband so there is no point in getting divorced.

Monica Lewinsky age, children

Born on July 23, 1973, Monica was only 22 years aged when she got involved in the scandal. Her age is currently 43 years old. According to Lewinsky, she was very young back then and regrets for her wrong doings then. After all, there is hardly anyone who doesn’t make mistakes, but there are very few who accept their mistakes and try to correct them. Monica is one of those few people.

According to the news that was published recently, Monica has a son Danny, born on 1996, from Bill Clinton, whose age is currently 19 years old and whom Clinton has seen only 5 times in his life. Since Monica never got married or got into any relationship, she does not have any other children.

Controversies had risen that the child might not belong to Clinton and she is lying in order to gain publicity again. But not only Monica, but Danny’s Auntie Judith Lewinsky had also claimed the child to be Clinton’s. Both Monica and Judith had passed lie detector test authenticating their claims.

The 19-year-old son of Clinton tells that he does not care what went between his mom and Clinton but he likes his dad very much and expects to spend some time with him. He also says that he wants to join politics after his high school to follow in his father’s footsteps and one day become the president of America just like his father.

Monica Lewinsky now, today

There is no news to what Lewinsky is doing now. She was never married to anyone and does not want to be a public figure of media due to any more relationship scandals. She does not have a boyfriend and lives with her son, her only child. She has no other children.

Due to controversies and public bully all the time she tried to do something, she is completely out of the camera. So, there is no news of what she might be doing professionally now.

Monica Lewinsky boyfriend

Monica Lewinsky does not have any boyfriend at present. Being a part of hatred and controversies in everything she did in America, she could neither start a proper professional career again nor could fulfill her wish to be somebody’s spouse or have a boyfriend.

But before the scandal, she was seen dating a person named Andy Bleilermode Merry. But immediately after the open up of the scandal in the media, Andy had taken a turn and had seemed to take an advantage of the situation back then to take fame. He had come to media blaming Monica for the situation violating Monica’s image further. Soon, Andy had disappeared as the news had shifted a turn towards President’s Justice back then.

Career, Net Worth

Soon after the scandal, Lewinsky had started selling handbags bearing her name. Though the bags were of excellent quality and looked really beautiful, due to controversies that she had made use of her name and fame that was gained due to a dirty deed, she soon had to stop this new business of hers.

Monica Lewinsky body measurements

Source: Daily Mail

Then in early 2000, Monica started appearing in TV commercials to promote a diet company. The company too had turned down due to controversies.

Again, in 2002, Monica had appeared in ‘Monica in Black and White’, the America’s undercover series that aired on HBO. In 2003, she also appeared as a host of reality dating show ‘Mr. Personality’.

In 2003, again, she was seen on TV talk shows ‘THE VIEW’ and ‘JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE’.

In however she tried to pursue her career, she had to put herself down due to the public controversies that she was capitalizing on her fame.

In 2014, she had published an essay ‘Shame and Survival’ in Vanity Fair magazine where she mentioned everything that went in between her and Clinton back then and also mentioned everything that she had faced after the scandal. The essay became a finalist for the 2015 National Magazine Awards.

She was finally seen in the TED TALK where she was seen facing the public directly, expressing what she had faced throughout her lifetime after the scandal and how she had become the victim of cyber bullying throughout her life.

Caption: Monica Lewinsky on the show ‘TED TALK’

Her talk on the TED TALK had brought a sense of positivity in the eyes of many people and also among the press. Writers who had criticized her had then stated they felt guilty for how they had treated the situation back then.

Today, she owns a net worth of $500 thousand dollars. This net worth is earned due to her television appearances and her biography and not because of the fame that she gained due to the wrong doings with former President Bill Clinton.

Short Bio

Born in 23, July 1973, in San Francisco, California the 43-years aged Lewis is a fashion designer, psychologist, activist and a television personality who had graduated with a Psychology degree in 1995. She was a former intern in White House when Bill Clinton was the president of America and was a part of Lewinsky scandal in 1998; where she had helped the crime department to get Clinton caught red handed for his wrong doings as a president, not only in the money matters but also for sexual harassment case with Paula Jones. The case had got a clue after Lewinsky had presented the fact about her affair with Clinton. Clinton was also charged for keeping and an extramarital affair with her (Lewinsky) inside the white house and getting involved in sexual crime too in spite of having a spouse at home.

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky seems happy together holding thier hand

Source: Daily Mail

She was part of many controversies and a victim of cyber bully following the scandal which never allowed her to move further in her career. Maybe this is the reason that, until today, she could never get a husband or have a boyfriend either.

No women would have been surviving such a situation that affected her throughout her life. Seeing her facing the crowd and the situation, with so much of guts, her way of handling the situation and the honesty she had brought forward to give justice to Paula as well as America as a whole, not caring about her image that could have gone down after her this decision, is truly admirable. After all, Lewinsky has today proved herself as a fantastic woman who has handled her life with complete dignity and gained a net worth of $500 thousand dollars by her own talent.
