Wendy Williams Tells Dr Oz She's Willing to Risk It as She Expresses Desire to Go Back to Work Amid

Wendy Williams wants to get back to work so badly that she's willing to "risk it." The talk show host revealed she begged with her network to continue filming her show without staffers but was turned down.

While many celebrities have distanced themselves from the public due to the threat of the Coronavirus, Wendy Williams says she’s willing to “risk it” if it means she can go back to entertain her show’s audience. The talk show host expressed her sentiments during a recent appearance on “The Dr. Oz Show.”

Wendy Williams at the SiriusXM headquarters in July 2017. | Photo: Getty Images


Williams’ show has been airing reruns after shutting down on March 12. Network executives called for the cessation of all productions in response to the government’s call for social distancing.

Williams' show is one of several talk shows that announced a break in filming to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. “

And while Williams has abided by the protocol, she recently shared that she’s itching to go back to work. Williams told Dr. Oz that she’s determined to go back on air without staffers and without an audience. She begged her network executives to allow her to do so but they turned her down.

Williams further told the popular doctor that she was “willing to risk it with one camera and a flashlight. She added, “I’m ready to go back to work next week."


It turned out that the episode of Dr. Oz which Williams appeared on was his last after it was discovered a member of his production tested positive with the virus. It’s unclear if Williams had herself tested due to possible exposure.

Williams’ show is one of several talk shows that announced a break in filming to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, ”Late Night with Seth Meyers,” and “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” have postponed new shows.


These programs film in New York which is currently experiencing a spike in the number of positive Coronavirus cases. As of March 22, the New York Times reported that New York state has over 16,887 confirmed cases, making up 5% of the total cases worldwide. At least 114 have died.

We at AmoMama do our best to give you the most updated news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, but the situation is constantly changing. We encourage readers to refer to the online updates from CDC, WHO, and Local Health Departments to stay updated. Take care!
