Eight new mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.
Ronald P. Burt, 56, and Leslie K. Burt, four children, Moss Hill Ward, Bountiful Utah Central Stake: Canada Vancouver Mission, succeeding President Karl M. and Sister Holly B. Tilleman. Brother Burt serves as a stake executive secretary and is a former high councilor, bishop, counselor in a bishopric elders quorum president, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Canada Calgary Mission. Co-owner, Burt Brothers Tire & Service. Born in Salt Lake City to Kent M. and Hilda Preete Burt.
Sister Burt serves as a stake Relief Society president and is a former ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society instructor, ward Young Women adviser and ward single adult adviser. Born in Salt Lake City to Golden Boyd and Hazel Redd Gibb.

Larry Gordon Childs, 59, and Geniel Rowley Childs, five children, Bonneville 13th Ward, Provo Utah Bonneville Stake: Russia St Petersburg Mission, succeeding President N. Warren and Sister Marilyn P. Clark. Brother Childs is a former stake president, counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, branch president and missionary in the Germany Hamburg Mission. Senior product manager, Ancestry.com. Born in Pocatello, Idaho, to Gordon Bliss Childs and Elaine Finlayson Childs.
Sister Childs serves as a ward Relief Society president and is a former stake Young Women president, counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency and stake Young Women camp director. Born in Salt Lake City to Lorin Hans Rowley and Frances Terry Rowley.

Roger Clinton Hudson, 58, and Carol Anne Hudson, five children, Sterling Heights Ward, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Stake: New Zealand Wellington Mission, succeeding President Michael L. and Sister Sandra L. Kezerian. Brother Hudson is a former stake president, bishop, stake mission president, counselor in a stake presidency, high councilor and missionary in the Canada Toronto Mission. Organization development manager and consultant, General Motors. Born in Santaquin, Utah, to Rodney Hudson and Lily Gwendolyn Okelberry.
Sister Hudson is a former ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency and seminary teacher. Born in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, to George Twaites and Kathleen Leone Brough.

LaMar L. Layton, 58, and Lynnette Stark Layton, two children, River View 6th Ward, Draper Utah River View Stake: Fiji Suva Mission, succeeding President Kenneth D. and Sister Janis Klingler. Brother Layton is a former stake president, counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, senior missionary in the Tonga Nuku’alofa Mission and missionary in the Illinois Chicago Mission. Founder of Decisive Investor. Born in Salt Lake City to Lawrence Martin Layton and Lida Marlene Prince.
Sister Layton served with her husband in the Tonga Nuku’alofa Mission and is a former stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president and counselor in a stake Relief Society presidency. Born in Rexburg, Idaho, to Earl William Stark and Loretta Ririe.

Terry Calvin McCurdy, 64, and Judy Cheryl Menard McCurdy, five children, Twin Falls 7th Ward, Twin Falls Idaho Stake: Philippines Cebu Mission, succeeding President Evan A. and Sister Cindy L. Schmutz. Brother McCurdy serves as a counselor in the Idaho Twin Falls Mission presidency and is a former bishop, counselor in the Idaho Boise Mission presidency, counselor in a stake presidency, public affairs director and missionary in the Scotland Edinburgh Mission. President of Integrated Technologies, Inc. Born in Pocatello, Idaho, to Frank Calvin McCurdy and Joey Doralee Hertzig.
Sister McCurdy is a former counselor in a stake Primary presidency, ward Young Women president, counselor in ward Relief Society and Primary presidencies, Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker. Born in Wendell, Idaho, to Jack Judson Menard and Shirley Ricks.

Hirofumi Nakatsuka, 56, and Naoko Nakatsuka, three children, Yonago Ward, Okayama Japan Stake: Japan Sapporo Mission, succeeding President Eric C. and Sister Lisa Evans. Brother Nakatsuka serves as an Area Seventy and is a former stake president, bishop, stake mission president and missionary in the Japan Sapporo Mission. President, Nakatsuka Chiropractic Office. Born in Tottori, Nawacho, Japan, to Iwao Nakatsuka and Yasuko Izumi Nakatsuka.
Sister Nakatsuka is a former stake Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, institute teacher and missionary in the Japan Fukuoka Mission. Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, to Suezo Muramaki and Toshiko Kakuwa Muramaki.

Paul Wilford Salisbury, 52, and Lisa Arnold Salisbury, four children, Sunridge Ward, Sandy Utah Alta View Stake: West Virginia Charleston Mission, succeeding President Bruce G. and Sister Linda R. Pitt. Brother Salisbury serves as a high priests group instructor and is a former bishop, counselor in a bishopric, ward mission leader, Scoutmaster and missionary in the France Paris Mission. President, The Insight Group, Inc. Born in Salt Lake City to Marlow Wilford Salisbury and Helen Jeanne Gillett Salisbury.
Sister Salisbury is a former counselor in a stake Primary presidency, ward Young Women adviser and counselor in a ward Primary presidency. Born in Salt Lake City to David Lee Arnold and Jean Jones Arnold.

Reed C. Tolman, 61, and Debra Lane Tolman, four children, Northridge Ward, Mesa Arizona Hermosa Vista Stake: Samoa Apia Mission, succeeding President Johnny L. and Sister Betty Leota. Brother and Sister Tolman recently served together as full-time missionaries in the Samoa Apia Mission. Brother Tolman is a former bishop, high councilor, institute teacher, gospel doctrine teacher, temple ordinance worker and missionary in the Samoa Apia Mission. Mediator and former attorney at Tolman and Osborne. Born in Mesa, Arizona, to Jaren Lambert Tolman and Norma Call Tolman.
Sister Tolman serves as stake Relief Society president and is a former counselor in ward Primary and Young Women presidencies, seminary teacher, institute teacher, gospel doctrine teacher and temple ordinance worker. Born in Ashton, Idaho, to James Lewis Lane and Barbara Jean Holman.