What did Robert Pannell do? Florida man charged for murdering Kentucky hotel employee

A 55-year-old Florida man named Robert Pannell was captured for purportedly killing an inn representative and furthermore for attacking a couple. Pannell apparently shot the Kentucky inn representative to death. Similar has been affirmed by the McCracken Province Sheriff’s Office.

Robert Pannell has to deal with a few penalties, including first-degree murder and opposing capture. The shocking occurrence occurred on Saturday morning at the Best Western inn in southwestern Kentucky. Specialists found that Robert Pannell was a visitor at the lodging when the occurrence occurred.

They are yet to reveal a potential intention behind the shooting openly. No other person was injured in the shooting that occurred at the inn that morning. Pannell is presently being held in a neighborhood jail with an obligation of $2.5 million.

On Saturday, at around 9.48 am, policemen got calls about a shooting that occurred in southwestern Kentucky at a Best Western inn. Upon appearance, cops found 55-year-old Robert Pannell in the lodging’s parking area and captured him.

Specialists started exploring the region and found an inn representative on the primary floor, who had supposedly supported numerous shot injuries all around the body and head.

After exhaustive addressing and examination, police found that Pannell had supposedly attacked a couple since they didn’t give him a lighter. He then, at that point, entered the foundation with a handgun. Not long after, Pannell started shooting, harming a representative who was subsequently articulated dead.

“During the resulting examination, it was found that the suspect, Robert Pannell, had attacked a male and female in the parking area of the lodging after the couple couldn’t give Pannell a cigarette lighter.”

Robert Pannell, 55, of Palm Coast, FL, had been accused of homicide, as well as different counts of attack and wanton peril, threatening, muddled lead and opposing capture.
They further added:

The Palm Coast man was purportedly a visitor remaining at the inn at the hour of the wrongdoing. Robert Pannell has to deal with numerous penalties including first-degree murder, attack, wanton peril, threatening, messy direct, and opposing capture.

The casualty was hurried to an emergency clinic and was supposedly kept alive for organ gift. Police are attempting to figure out the thing Pannell was doing in Paducah in any case. They are additionally attempting to comprehend the course of occasions that might actually have prompted the shooting.

Pannell is being hung on an obligation of $2.5 million at the McCracken Region Prison. The case is at present being scrutinized. The Flagler Area Sheriff’s Office is aiding the examination alongside the MCSO.
