Pitbull attacks three in Tampa after owner tried to put him in Christmas sweater

A dog viciously attacked three members of a family after its owner tried to put a Christmas sweater on him.

Brenda Guerrero, 52, from Tampa, Florida, was in the backyard trying to put the pit bull mix, named Scarface, into a festive outfit when he attacked her, biting her on the arm.

Her husband Ismael Guerrero, 46, tried to pull the dog off his wife but then the animal started to attack him, reported WTSP.  

A pit bull mix attacked three in Tampa, Florida, after his owner tried to put a Christmas sweater on him. The dog, called Scarface, was shot with a Taser and tranquilizer before it was caught Brenda Guerrero, 52, was bitten severely in the arm by her dog Scarface

A pit bull mix attacked three in Tampa, Florida, after owner Brenda Guerrero (right), 52,  tried to put a Christmas sweater on him. The dog, called Scarface, was shot with a Taser and tranquilizer before it was caught 

After the couple's son Antoine Harris, 22, stabbed the dog in the neck and head, all three were able to escape back into the house. 

Tampa police and Hillsborough County Animal Control were called to the scene.

Police shot the pit bull with a tranquilizer dart - at which point it managed to get into the house where there were two young children.

Police then used a bean bag gun and Taser to subdue the dog.


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Share Brenda Guerrero and her husband Ismael Guerrero, 46, were both taken to hospital for their injuries. Mrs Guerrero's  injuries are considered serious, but not life-threatening

Brenda Guerrero and her husband Ismael Guerrero, 46, were both taken to hospital for their injuries. Mrs Guerrero's  injuries are considered serious, but not life-threatening

'Officers responding said the dog was pretty aggressive,' Eddy Durkin with Tampa Police said to WFTS

'When they Tasered the dog, it was still pulling away and was able to release the prongs from the Taser.' 

Both Guerreros were taken to hospital for their injuries and Brenda Guerrero's injuries are considered serious, but not life-threatening. 

The dog is currently in the custody of animal control.  

Hillsborough County Animal Control currently has the dog. Eddy Durkin with Tampa Police said: 'When they Tasered the dog, it was still pulling away and was able to release the prongs from the Taser' 

Hillsborough County Animal Control currently has the dog. Eddy Durkin with Tampa Police said: 'When they Tasered the dog, it was still pulling away and was able to release the prongs from the Taser' 

