Is LJ on Dubai Bling engaged? Netflix stars bare hand gives away result of shocking proposal

LJ on Dubai Bling getting engaged was the cliff-hanger of season 2. The Netflix series returned featuring her new boyfriend who got down on one knee in the Dubai Bling finale. We were all left totally confused as to how Loujain Adada responded to potentially getting engaged and married.

For the first public relationship since her husband, Walid, died, Loujain Adada made things Instagram-official with a Pakistani model and actor in November 2022. The events of their relationship played out on Dubai Bling season 2. However, her bare hand is a huge giveaway as to whether LJ got engaged or not.

Is LJ from Dubai Bling engaged?

No, LJ does not appear to be engaged. Her boyfriend during the show, Hasnain, deleted the only photo he had shared of them together on social media, and they no longer follow each other on Instagram.

Loujain Adada also hasn’t been wearing an engagement ring since the proposal. Her fingers are bare with no rings in recent photos, while a source claims she announced their separation over a year ago.

They claimed: “She said over a year ago that they’ve separated and aren’t together.” Hasnain’s hand is also bare with no sign of any rings, confirming they did not go on to get married.

Loujain Adada got married at 21

Dubai Bling’s Loujain Adada got engaged and then married in her early twenties, to her late husband Walid Juffali. Together, they had two children following their $10 million high-profile public wedding.

She married the billionaire in 2012. He was born on April 30, 1955, and passed away on July 20, 2016. As LJ explained on Dubai Bling, he passed away when their second daughter was just a month old.

She said: “Sadly, he passed away from cancer.” Before marrying LJ, Walid was married to Basma Al-Sulaiman from 1980 to 2000 and Christina Estrada from 2001 to 2014.

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Dubai Bling fans react to shocking proposal

Viewers are just as shocked as LJ over Hasnain’s proposal on Dubai Bling. Some say the “diamond is too small” for the intimate moment while others simply don’t think Loujain and Hasnain are a good match.

One fan said: “I don’t think she said yes to the proposal because both her and Hasnain don’t follow one another on Instagram.” Another reckons it “seems like season 3 business”.

“In which world would she say yes to him? He looked nice but his personality was weak. Clingy, cringe and no creativity,” said a viewer. A fellow fan disagreed: “Bro Hasnain is a gentleman. I hope she said yes.”

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