The Truth About Michael Landon's Affair With Cindy Clerico

Michael Landon's affair with Cindy Clerico had major consequences. For one thing, it made things "incredibly awkward" on the set of "Little House on the Prairie" because the cast knew Landon's family, Karen Grassle wrote (via Showbiz CheatSheet). "I knew his wife," she recalled. "I had been in their home. She had been kind to me. And I thought about her children — there were three of them still at home ... and younger than Cindy." 

The affair also damaged Landon's relationship with co-star Melissa Gilbert, who played his TV daughter Laura. "I have to work with Mike, I can't take sides, yet he's done something that's turned my world into angry, opposing sides." Gilbert wrote in her own memoir "Prairie Tale." "I was put in a horribly, uncomfortable position."

Things came to a head when Lynn Noe followed Landon and Clerico after learning of the affair, according to the New York Post, who reported that Noe confronted her husband and threw a bottle of vodka at his head. At first, however, it looked like the pair might get back together, and Landon even said they would renew their vows. But this was not to be.
