Pushing past the fire: Atlanta BBQ favorite powering through with pop-ups

B’s Cracklin’ is persevering with pop-ups as the restaurant works to reopen after a devastating fire

ATLANTA — If you’ve been missing B’s Cracklin’ BBQ lately, you’re in luck. 

The Atlanta favorite brings its signature flavor back to the metro this season with a series of pop-up events.

The pop-ups mark a temporary reprieve for the restaurant and its customers. Since early March, B’s Riverside location in Atlanta has been out of commission after a devastating fire ripped through the restaurant.

RELATED: Fire destroys popular Atlanta barbecue restaurant

“As many of you know, our restaurant suffered a horrible fire in March, but we're working hard to get back open as soon as possible. We're doing a series of pop-ups around the Atlanta-area to help raise money for our rebuild and take care of your B's Cracklin' cravings at the same time, partnering with some of our favorite local breweries and restaurants. We'll be featuring a condensed menu of 1 or 2 meat plates with two sides, and also allow for bulk meat orders,” a post on the restaurant’s Facebook said.

In spite of the Atlanta location’s temporary closing, the accolades for chef Bryan Furman have continued to pour in. Food and Wine named Furman one of its up-and-coming chefs this spring while Furman was also recognized as a semifinalist for the James Beard Award for Best Chef Southeast.

In addition to the pop-ups, the restaurant’s owners tell At the Table ATL plans are in the works for a temporary location in Emory Point. 

In the meantime, get barbecue ready and head to your favorite brewery. The following sites will host B’s this season:

Steady Hand Brewery

-May 11 12 pm

-May 12 1 pm

-June 8 1 pm

-June 22 1 pm

-June 23 1 pm

Food event in Atlanta, GA by B's Cracklin' BBQ ATL and Steady Hand Beer Co. on Saturday, May 11 2019 with 269 people interested.

Wild Heaven Beer

-May 18 12 pm

-May 19 12 pm

Second Self Beer

-June 1 12 pm

-June 2 12 pm

-Aug 2 4:30 pm

-Aug 3 1 pm

-Aug 4 12 pm

Orpheus Brewing

-June 7 5 pm

-June 9 1 pm

Contrast Artisan Ales 

-July 5 4:30 pm

-July 6 2 pm

-July 7 2 pm

Gate City Brewing

-July 19 4:30 pm

-July 21 1 pm

-July 27 1 pm

-July 28 1 pm

Six Bridges Brewing

-Aug 2 4:30 pm

-Aug 3 1 pm

Atlanta Brewing

-Aug 9 4:30 pm

-Aug 10 1 pm

-Aug 11 12:30 pm

Arches Brewing

-Aug 10 1 pm

-Aug 11 1 pm

Pontoon Brewing

-Aug 17 12 pm

-Aug 18 12:30 pm
