To find out more about the Full Moon in Virgo and to get all of your Enchanted Full Moon Goodness get the guide by clicking below.
Happy Full Moon in Virgo
**The Full Moon in Virgo is on the 22nd February 2016**
Here is your Tarot Spread for the Full Moon. This spread can be used for an Full Moon in Virgo and you can use any Tarot or Oracle decks with this spread.
I would love to see your Tarot Reading for the Virgo Full Moon.
Give me a shoutout on SM and use the hashtag #virgofullmoonspread and tag me if you can!
If you get stuck on your cards definitely let me know.
1. What baggage am I being challenged to leave behind?
2. How can I relieve my more critical energies this Full Moon?
3. What health and wellness area needs attention?
4. What area in my life needs reorganising?
5. What needs to get done this Full Moon?