What Happened To Ben And Emily After Below Deck?

Ben Robinson and Emily Warburton-Adams got hot and heavy on the high seas during "Below Deck" Season 4. Bravo reports that the "English Rose" set pulses racing the second she boarded the Valor. But it was slick Brit Ben who sealed the deal. "Going on a date with him and things like that, I felt very close to him very quickly. He was British, and he made me laugh. I do like an older guy," Emily admitted during an appearance on "Life After Bravo." She shared that Ben won her over with his tasty treats. "It was totally real feelings," Emily said. "He knew what I liked, and he made me my food. It was a real perk."

So what happened to Ben and Emily after the "Below Deck" cameras stopped rolling? Sadly, according to Bravo, despite their romance continuing when they first hit dry land, ultimately, it fizzled out.

"I can't exactly claim that we're steady and dating at this point in time," Ben admitted on the "After Deck with Kate Chastain" podcast. "We just don't see each other enough to have a serious relationship." However, he wasn't prepared to throw in the towel altogether. "You know, Emily and I, we're always going to have a special place in one another's hearts," Ben said. "So, hopefully, we may be able to rekindle something in the future." Still, it wasn't to be, and the former couple are firmly in the friend zone.
