Where Is Cassie Jo Stoddart's Boyfriend Now? Are Her Killers in Jail?

Cassie Jo Stoddart was killed by Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik in 2006. They both were jailed, but where are they and Cassie's boyfriend now?

Kori Williams - Author

Back in 2006, 16-year-old Cassie Jo Stoddart was house-sitting for her family members in a city in Idaho when she was murdered in the night. While she was taking care of the home and pets, she was visited by her boyfriend Matt Beckham and later on, two other men, named Brian Lee Draper and Torey Michael Adamcik. It turns out that Draper and Adamcik left the house unlocked, and Stoddart and Beckham alone.

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Draper and Adamcik reportedly left the door open so they could come back later on and sneak into the basement. Unfortunately, Beckham had to go home, so Stoddart was by herself. Draper and Adamcik then reportedly stabbed her dozens of times, killing her. Years have passed since her murder and for so many who saw things unfold on the news, life has moved on. But that isn't the case for Beckham or for Stoddart's killers now. 

Where is Cassie Jo Stoddart's boyfriend, Matt Beckham, now?

According to a Medium article, Beckham was initially a suspect in Stoddart's murder because he had been the last person to see her alive and the police found it suspicious that he didn't show any emotion when he found out about his girlfriend's death. He ended up taking and passing a polygraph test. But the article goes on to say that he spent the following day with Adamcik and tried to call Stoddart to no answer. 

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Now, it's unclear where Beckham is or how he's doing in the aftermath of his girlfriend's murder, but it would make sense if he dealt with a lot of guilt in the following years. Even though he was first considered a suspect, it turns out that he'd actually wanted to spend the night with Stoddart. 

Stoddart had told him that she felt scared and wanted her boyfriend to stay over and protect her. Unfortunately, his mother didn't let him spend the night, though she invited Stoddart to sleep over at their house.

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Sadly, she declined the invitation. She reportedly said that she didn't feel right leaving her family member's home since they'd trusted her to look over it and their pets. Beckham ended up leaving around 11:30 p.m. and called Adamcik to tell him that he would be gone, which led Draper and Adamcik to the realization that Stoddart would be alone in the house.

Where are Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik now?

Draper and Adamcik were caught for their crimes and even videotaped themselves planning Stoddart's murder and talking about establishing their alibi afterward. They were arrested and charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder in September 2006. They were both given life sentences without parole. 

Now, both of them are in prison in Idaho, but Adamcik tried to get his sentence changed in 2019, according to KTVB7.

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Adamcik requested that his sentence be canceled and to get a new one. But the judge denied his request and he's still in Idaho State Correctional Institution. 

As for Draper, he asked for a new trial back in 2011. According to the Idaho State Journal, he asked the state's Supreme Court justices to change or reduce his sentence. His public defender, Molly Huskey, said that his sentence was "unconstitutionally cruel" and that he was immature and had poor judgment at the time of the murder.

Draper and Adamcik had reportedly been inspired by the shooters of the Columbine High School massacre and wanted to become famous serial killers themselves. They had even tried to kill other people eight or nine on other instances, according to another ISJ article

Draper's pleas for a new sentence were also denied and he's still imprisoned at Idaho State Correctional Institution. 
