and his muscle mafia? I've got to know. I am not new to the online porn world. But why do I buy this site and it's premise hook, line and sinker? Surely someone has busted him or revealed his identity by this point. Maybe because the site is so expensive and you can't just join and steal all the videos. Maybe it's because I only get a snippet here and there through torrents I am able to download. Someone please disabuse me of my fascination.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 90 | January 20, 2020 1:36 AM |
Talk about your six degrees of separation! "Muscle Matt" is also "Private Red Door," which was linked to a friend of Matt Sanchez, the Republican gay porn closet case from a few years back.
Always fun to see these people try to resurface. Details at the link.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 1 | January 15, 2011 6:09 AM |
Something from the comments on that site that I linked to: [quote]It is an exclusive club started by two muscle guys Matt and Carlo, I think they are from Florida, but I'm not sure. They make amateur videos, but don't show their faces. The red door area is for paying members. They are vary aggressive and want you to buy them presents, they have list and accounts set up where you can "donate" money, buy them expensive gifts, and they will jack off, get blow jobs and sometimes fuck lucky members. Most people think it's a scam. They use to post on muscle service, as did Sanchez, but the members there ran them off. Matt (the owner of the site) and Carlo will post escort ads on craigslist and rentboy in numerous cities, but they are just to drum up business for their website. They make excuse or never answer the ads if someone answers them.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | January 15, 2011 6:22 AM |
Headless bodies don't interest me. Ho hum.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | January 15, 2011 2:38 PM |
Matt's a fireman in real life and the clips are fucking HOT! but yes, they are expensive. Whenever I have had downloading problems they immediately credit me and respond to emails quickly. That tatted Adam queen is on rentboy ALL the time. I love the clip where Matt fucks the hell out of him and while Carlo (Ruva)is a little long in the tooth, he is VERY verbal.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | January 15, 2011 2:56 PM |
OP= Muscle Matt on a roid downer since he got his hosting invoice, and shilling desperately
by Anonymous | reply 5 | January 15, 2011 3:02 PM |
Is this one of these "we're hawt straight guys who have gay sex as often as we can" sites?
by Anonymous | reply 6 | January 15, 2011 3:34 PM |
Well, just don't make me over.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | January 15, 2011 7:18 PM |
You can see what he looks like in a few of the movies, in the reflection on a TV and the like. He's okay-looking, nothing special.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | January 15, 2011 7:29 PM |
R8, he wears a wrestling mask, dear.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | January 15, 2011 7:33 PM |
OP Here.%0D %0D Not Matt. Why would I talke about getting the vids for free from torrents if I was? I would just like to see what he looks like in person. They always just show is lower face, not too much. He has a great body, a nice dick, feet, and he seems to be horny all the time. The premise of the website seems pretty genuine. I know it's another supposed "straight" guy site. But since these guys go out of their way to hide their identities, I would imagine that they probably do identify as straight in real life.%0D %0D And the fact that the videos can go anywhere in the moment and are not really staged is pretty hot. One poor guy drank too much and ended up getting sick in the middle of the video - that after drinking a good amoung or Matt and his buddies piss.%0D %0D And I think the guys are in the NY, NJ area. So the idea that one of the hot trainers at my gym might be in their vids kind of drives me crazy as well.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | January 15, 2011 7:34 PM |
This is one where you can see his face for a second or two.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 12 | January 15, 2011 7:40 PM |
headless bodies are a total turnoff for me
by Anonymous | reply 15 | January 15, 2011 7:41 PM |
I would give anything to have on night with Matt.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | January 15, 2011 7:42 PM |
Well headless bodies are a turnoff for me usually as well. But I like the sound of his voice and his attitude in the videos. And you catch glimpses of his face or the back of his head when he is fucking. And even though I am sure the videos are edited with an inch of their lives with respect to their identities, there is always the hope that they will slip up.%0D %0D That is why I was curious if someone was able to patch enough together from partial reveals of his face, his body, or voice to figure out who he might be in real life.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | January 15, 2011 7:44 PM |
R14 obviously hasn't seen any videos because they cost $.
I emailed Matt once and asked how come he isn't rimmed in any of the clips and he told me "be patient" and lo and behold a month later....Yum!
by Anonymous | reply 18 | January 15, 2011 7:52 PM |
I have never bought his videos. Does he have a core group of guys he works with, or are they all different?
by Anonymous | reply 19 | January 16, 2011 12:36 AM |
Have there been any new hot muscle Matt videos? Nothing new has popped up on the torrents.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | March 21, 2011 2:36 PM |
Somehow I get a terrible vibe just by browsing his website. If anyone is interesting in meeting muscular guys who are willing to cater to his sexual needs, why not just get on RentBoy or something. That way, you get the warm bodies to let out your sexual energy with instead of pining for someone you can touch on the internet.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | April 16, 2011 7:26 AM |
"you can touch NOT on the internet."
by Anonymous | reply 22 | April 16, 2011 7:33 AM |
He is doing something right because none of his new videos are available anywhere other than his site. There are no new torrents of his stuff.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | December 29, 2011 1:38 AM |
The Matt Sanchez stalker who's been lurking on Datalounge for years REALLY needs a shrink and some meds.
And an internet suspension.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | December 29, 2011 7:15 AM |
R27, that is most boring porn I've ever seen.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | January 8, 2012 8:13 AM |
Wrong R23, they're all over gayforit.eu...
I agree w/R29, boring as hell. And let's just say there's more than one reason why you can't see his face.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 30 | May 31, 2012 9:41 PM |
His fuck video with Carlo was awesome.
Matt seems like a prick though.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | June 7, 2012 9:26 PM |
[quote] I know it's another supposed "straight" guy site. But since these guys go out of their way to hide their identities, I would imagine that they probably do identify as straight in real life.
Or maybe they're going out of their way to convince people they're straight, because it's an added attraction fpr many. They know their alleged camera-shyness will help convince people they're really straight. I downloaded one of the vids and agree you can see enough of his face to know he's attractive enough to be seen. So the headlessness is just a gimmick to convince people he's straight, imo. I don't normally judge fetishes, but seeking out headless porn for greater assurance that the guy is straight, is really pathetic and self-loathing.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | January 7, 2013 9:43 AM |
they are making money off gay dudes
by Anonymous | reply 34 | January 19, 2013 12:44 AM |
Has anyone figured out who these guys are or what their faces look like? Adam has moved on to other sites. So we know what he looks like.
Also in one of the early videos, doesn't Carlo bottom for Matt?
by Anonymous | reply 35 | June 3, 2014 10:55 PM |
they found who the kyle in musclematt is
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 36 | June 15, 2014 4:41 PM |
Carlo should bottom again, maybe even get gang banged. That would be hot!
Doesn't Matt show his face when he worships some young muscle guy and then sucks him off? He doesn't take his clothes off but the body looks like Musclematt.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | July 28, 2014 12:47 PM |
If you watch closely, you'll see that some of the anal scenes are faked and looped. Not cool.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | August 6, 2014 5:47 PM |
I understand one of them is past 50 and may be the guy who used to do those cigar smoking fetish videos. Be glad he wears a mask. Also, it's possible that they use other men's voices for the audio.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | August 18, 2014 3:17 PM |
So far it looks like a couple of their regulars have defected. Any new hot videos from them? What about the Muscle Attorney?
Do the models still hustle?
by Anonymous | reply 41 | August 26, 2014 8:27 PM |
"Billy", the college kid who got fucked a lot, is an attorney now!
by Anonymous | reply 42 | September 6, 2014 11:06 AM |
Hello Guys, guess who? Carlo with www.musclematt.com. I love the talk here!! When you stop talking I will worry and I'm glad the interest still is intense for my site and my guys. However, some of the talk is incorrect, and I figured I would weigh in and correct a few things first, my film with Matt that seems to get much attention was one of our biggest sellers to date and was only offered on DVD. If I release it as a stream it will probably be one of the highest priced on the site.
Regarding the smoking videos and the 50 year old, without breaking the code of silence we are built around I won't say who, but will say that is none of us here. At one point I was contacted by him to collaborate on some films and never did. That was a very old rumor started in 2004! Having said that "The Guy" who did or does those smoking fetish films is a friend today and a great guy to know, but not me (smile)
Next, Adam, Adam is a personal friend of mine like many of the guys on the site and was a friend before he went in front of my cameras, and remains a friend today. To the best of my knowledge he has not and is not filming for anyone else. If anyone has proof of anything different please contact me carlo@musclematt.com or post a link. If you are going to make a statement please back it up with proof.
MOST OF ALL… NONE of our scenes are faked or looped!! We shoot real, raw and authentic as anyone who follows us knows. As in real life, guys sometimes loose boners, or are distracted I leave it in because you are experiencing what happens as it happens but in the end they all get raging hard and cum. Our rule is a cock sucker either swallows or takes a load where ever my crew wants to put it.. we deliver! We are REALITY PORN, not scripted "fast food" porn that a scene is shot for days and days and edited together. I think some of you are used to the big studio high volume stuff and thats ok. I prefer to remain real!
Hit the site up, lots of new releases, and more coming we are approaching #100 and close to 50K members.. not too shabby! We are 12 years and we are here to stay with extensive projections for new features, live cams, and building a community that will live long past even me!
Thanks for all the comments, good, not so good or otherwise, it means we are still getting noticed!
All the best
Carlo www.musclematt.com
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 43 | September 6, 2014 5:49 PM |
R43, I hope you didn't pay somebody for designing that web site. It is really bad.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | September 7, 2014 4:46 PM |
Billy makes me want to disabuse myself from here into next week. (And don't even get me started about Mamma's mussy...)
by Anonymous | reply 47 | September 23, 2014 4:29 AM |
very strange people out there
by Anonymous | reply 48 | September 23, 2014 4:40 AM |
[quote]the Republican gay porn closet case from a few years back.
geez, I thought that trash was taken out
by Anonymous | reply 49 | September 23, 2014 4:41 AM |
So it's like TIM just with younger less burnt out guys.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | September 23, 2014 5:17 AM |
R4, what are their names? Ruva?
by Anonymous | reply 52 | October 9, 2014 4:08 PM |
Steven Sarno / Billy is an environmental lawyer. Good for him, actually making the world better.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | October 9, 2014 4:18 PM |
They also had someone they called the "Muscle Attorney" on. Haven't seen the video but it sounds hot.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | October 9, 2014 5:16 PM |
[R43] Thanks for the info Carlo! So when will you bottom again? I think all of your videos are hot, the site is hot.
Yours is one of the few sites that doesn't treat blow jobs just as foreplay. You recognize that for some men, the sucking is great by itself. More rimming, please!
by Anonymous | reply 56 | October 9, 2014 5:41 PM |
Steven Sarno's cute! Love his barebacking with Matt!
by Anonymous | reply 58 | October 26, 2014 9:53 PM |
Some extended rimming to orgasm, please!
by Anonymous | reply 59 | November 9, 2014 11:52 PM |
I have to comment on this thread 1 st off muscle Matt is the only site that feature real scenes with regular guys Carlo is a masterful film producer. He knows what guys wants to see on screen and let you enjoy some powerful sex scenes. I m s huge fan for years. I m married with kids well built dude and MM is my total escape Matt is an incredible guy and Carlo as well They deserve all the success. Stop bashing and start bating
by Anonymous | reply 60 | December 5, 2014 8:24 PM |
I want Steven Sarno and Jason Amato. I love how Billy/Steve takes it bareback and jacks off with Matt's cum.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | January 10, 2015 9:49 AM |
Heavens! I think I must be on the wrong site!
by Anonymous | reply 63 | January 10, 2015 9:13 PM |
I like his video where he gives workout advice. Yep, I think that roid gut looks so attractive.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | January 10, 2015 10:12 PM |
These straight body gods get more gay action than most gays I know. Is Carlos married? a Dad?
by Anonymous | reply 66 | January 26, 2015 11:35 AM |
Glad I didn't pay any money for the vid in R64's link.
Most boring porn evah!!!
by Anonymous | reply 67 | January 26, 2015 12:51 PM |
I don't get it. So this is all headless people in masks? What's the point?
by Anonymous | reply 68 | January 26, 2015 1:15 PM |
Billy is a lawyer now? Is he clerking for Mike Branson? How did his identity get out? I thought they were all masked.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | January 27, 2015 10:46 AM |
Just caught one of their older videos. These guys are not aging well.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | February 7, 2015 5:55 PM |
I'd be curious to see some of these queens who don't find these guys attractive and characterise their cocksucking and fucking as "boring."
by Anonymous | reply 72 | May 12, 2015 8:35 AM |
It sucks that it's so expensive to join MuscleMatt, and they don't even give you previews of their vids which is stupid because some of their vids are full length for free after a Google search. All the pictures are tiny too. They really miss out customers like me who would join for a couple of months to check out what they got.
Anyway, you guys have any more updates on the guys on MuscleMatt? :)
by Anonymous | reply 73 | May 2, 2016 5:01 PM |
Is this the one with no faces?
by Anonymous | reply 74 | May 2, 2016 5:09 PM |
r43 Okay fools, get those credit cards out. Matt, Carlo, and the rest of the gang are waiting.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | May 2, 2016 5:14 PM |
Wouldn't linking to a paid site be considered spamming?
Oh, and look, it's real-straight-guys-having-gay-sex! Masks, headless torsos and limp cocks!
Where can I sign up so I can satisfy my self-loathing homolust with REAL STRAIGHT DOODS?!?!
by Anonymous | reply 76 | May 2, 2016 5:24 PM |
You type fey. Now leave us self-loathers alone!
by Anonymous | reply 77 | May 2, 2016 6:08 PM |
They're getting gayer. Carlo mentions in one scene that nothing turns him on more than to see a guy whip out his dick and piss. And Matt is so turned on by Derek Atlas that he keeps kissing him passionately. "Straight" no more.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | June 7, 2016 11:32 AM |
The guy who calls himself "The Boss," Carlo, is a real sleaze bag. He tells the subscribers that he's having to cancel a lot of new videos because the money that they've paid for production has to be devoted to chasing down people who share the videos! And he outs a young Florida man to his distressed mother in revenge for file-sharing and brags about it. (See his illiterate post at link.)
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 79 | October 4, 2016 3:14 PM |
On its face, Carlo outing a kid to his ma sounds nasty R80. On the other face, I think it's reasonable, because Carlo has to protect his work and income. People have a right to not have their work stolen or given away by 3rd parties, and they have a right to retaliate against people who steal content. Last week I talked to a friend who has given up on his interesting porn project because the backers tell him his productions will be uploaded to filesharing sites within days of posting and income generation will be minimal.
So what are people like Carlo supposed to do?
by Anonymous | reply 81 | November 14, 2016 11:42 PM |
There is no honor among thieves, R81. You want everything on the up and up like a legitimate business, you don't get involved with porn, drug dealing, prostitution.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | November 15, 2016 12:06 AM |
I personally want to thank the "weasel" who downloaded this shit to file sharing devices. He's done porn consumers everywhere a major favor by allowing us to view this sub-par crap without paying for it. Paying for this crap while these "straight" guys go through the motions of pretending to have gay sex is a complete rip-off.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | November 15, 2016 12:14 AM |
There is nothing about consenting adults making porn that makes one a thief. You're aware that some people think that being gay is immoral too, right? Maybe there's no honor for gays either then. It's hard to know where to draw the line. Many people think that sex work should not be illegal. And conflating porn with theft and drug dealing is illogical.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | November 15, 2016 12:17 AM |
Get off your high horse, Polly Prisspot @R84. The people who make porn will never, ever be confused with Boy Scouts, and in fact drugs and drug dealing are an integral part of porn production.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | November 15, 2016 12:31 AM |
Here he is! This is from Muscle Matt 84. Guess they forgot to blur his face here.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 86 | November 21, 2016 4:18 AM |
That scene, by the way, is super hot. He passionately makes out with his scene partner, which I've never seen him do before. Usually he's aloof, but here he seems invested. Check it out below.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 87 | November 21, 2016 4:38 AM |
Has anyone ever seen a face pic of either Adam , Carlo or Brad?
by Anonymous | reply 89 | January 17, 2020 6:14 PM |
I know a couple of guys like this...gfp...but get then drunk and they’ll (mostly) tell you they like the cock too, but it’s easier (family, industry, etc.) to “Do what you have to keep the fans happy.“
by Anonymous | reply 90 | January 20, 2020 1:36 AM |