Ohio Valley Wrestling has posted the following press release at ovwrestling.com:
12/16/2008 – PRESS RELEASE
For immediate release;
As a direct result of Senior Vice President of Talent Relations for WWE {NYSE:WWE} John Laurinaitis’ visit to Ohio Valley Wrestling on September 22nd, OVW is proud to announce the signing of four wrestlers to WWE’s developmental program.
Laurinaitis, who is in charge of hiring and recruiting all WWE talent, paid a visit to Ohio Valley Wrestling in September to evaluate and scout OVW’s roster for potential WWE Superstars.
After the tryout and evaluation session, four OVW wrestlers were awarded developmental contracts. Those four are former OVW Heavyweight and Southern Tag Team Champion Chris Cage, former OVW Heavyweight Champion Ryback, Former DCW Champion Gavin Garrison, and Brian Jossie. Due to the training these four have received while at OVW and the potential that they show, these wrestlers have shown that OVW remains one of the premiere training grounds for professional wrestling and sports entertainment today.
Matt Martlaro, OVW’s Live Event Coordinator, as well as a television producer/director for OVW, was also signed to WWE’s developmental program. Due to the experience Martlaro received behind the scenes in television production from some of the best minds in the professional wrestling business (including Danny Davis, Al Snow, Rip Rogers, Jim Cornette, Paul Heyman and more), he has been awarded a developmental contract as well.
With these signings, OVW remains one of the only places in the world where a true education in the professional wrestling and Sports Entertainment can be realized. AS OVW continues to develop talent, and WWE continues to recruit OVW, the path to a career in Sports Entertainment leads right through the doors of Davis Arena. OVW now proves that it not only offers opportunities for success inside the ring, but behind the scenes as well.
With these five signings, OVW’s list of alumni only grows larger. OVW’s record for success remains unmatched, with over 120 OVW developed performers going on to WWE over the past decade. This does not include the many other OVW alumni who have made names for themselves all over the world due to the training they received at the Davis Arena.
OVW runs an intense, weekly schedule, combining the physicality of our Beginners and Advanced classes, the frenetic, hectic pace of our TV tapings, and the unique experience of our weekend Live Events in the tri-state area. In addition to that, opportunities exist at nearly every level of the professional wrestling business, from refereeing to camera operator, to working on interviews and other on-camera skills; OVW offers a truly immersive training experience.
OVW will continue to supply the future of WWE, and professional wrestling as a whole, with talent that is trained at a level which can be achieved nowhere else in the world. John Laurinaitis put it best when he expressed that OVW is still the place to be if you desire an education in the art and the sport of professional wrestling.
For more information on OVW’s Beginner’s and Advanced classes, please visit OVWrestling.com, or call (502) 473-0660.