Deaundreya D. Caraway Obituary, Deaundreya D. Caraway Topeka, 38, Downtown homicide victim

Deaundreya D. Caraway, 38, of Topeka, was named as the victim of a shooting homicide that was found at 1520 S.E. Quincy on Sunday, according to Topeka police, who made the announcement on Monday.

Caraway was declared dead at the site when police arrived at 10:13 on Sunday, according to Topeka police Lt. Donna Eubanks. She stated that detectives were looking into it. There had been no captures.

In the vicinity of the incident, which is at 1515 S.E. Monroe, just west of the Brown v. Board National Historic Site, police placed yellow crime scene tape on Sunday.

Caraway was the 11th homicide victim in Topeka this year; the killings occurred in nine different instances. 30 homicides in Topeka established a record in 2017.

Obituary And Burial Arrangements

The funeral arrangements will be revealed by the family. The family and loved ones will share details about the obituary, funeral, and life celebration at the appropriate time. We will do our best to keep you updated on them.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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