Which are your favorite Wendy Williams quotes?
Wendy Williams is an American broadcaster, businesswoman, writer, and media personality. She is well known for being the host of the television talk show called ‘The Wendy Williams Show’.
At the beginning of her career, she was working for WVIS. Williams appears in several films and television shows. Other than that she also has her own product lines, including a fashion line, a jewelry collection, and a wig line.
Here’s a collection of the greatest Wendy Williams quotes:
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50 Wendy Williams Quotes About Life & Success
1. “I want to go down as being the realest whoever talked it.” – Wendy Williams
2. “I’ve never had a writer in my entire career. At one point I relented. I had a really good girl. She was one of David Letterman’s writers. She was lovely, but after, gosh, maybe a month, we ended up using her in another capacity. You can’t write for me. I’m not going to sit on the phone all night with you to go over jokes.” – Wendy Williams
3. “When you’re an outsider or a misfit, if you play it smart, your motto should be, I’ll show ’em. I will show you.” – Wendy Williams
4. “Believe it or not, there are interesting elements in everyone. So, if I can’t talk to everybody for at least 7 to 10 minutes, then I’m in the wrong profession.” – Wendy Williams
5. “I know firsthand that educators are the most overworked and underpaid people around. It influenced me in that it was always about family first, and education was right next to that. There was never any question about whether I was going to college.” – Wendy Williams
6. “Mexican food is my absolute, #1 favorite food. But all the cutting and dicing is very time-consuming. I do like to cook a few times a week, but it’s not always that intricate with the shells and the cheese, etcetera.” – Wendy Williams
7. “I’m most proud of our son, having suffered several miscarriages before having him. As for the next mountain, it takes so much to maintain what’s already going on that I don’t have time to think about it. But I want some more seasons of the TV show, I’d like to write another book, and eventually, I’d like to retire and take vacations with my husband like my mom and dad do.” – Wendy Williams
8. “Cocaine has been off my map for years.” – Wendy Williams
9. “Through the grace of God, people have given me permission to say those things for 10 seasons. I get in trouble sometimes, but it’s all good. Actually, I can’t even think of what kind of trouble.” – Wendy Williams
10th of 50 Wendy Williams Quotes
10. “Because celebrity lives are something that people can live vicariously through. It takes people’s minds off their own troubles. Everybody has troubles.” – Wendy Williams
11. “There’s a lot more to me than you see on TV.” – Wendy Williams
12. “I am a Beyonce fan. I’m gonna watch her upcoming documentary because fortunately one of the TVs in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. She sounds like she has a fifth-grade education.” – Wendy Williams
13. “I walk out of my building to go to work in the morning, and the paparazzi cameras go click-click-click. But it hasn’t changed my opinion. Because if my opinion changed, then I might not have a job.” – Wendy Williams
14. “I can’t narrow either one down to just one thing. I’ve rolled the dice and had both success and failure. I can tell you that right now we’re on a roll with the talk show. Everything is good with the TV show.” – Wendy Williams
15. “Learning and entertaining can go hand-in-hand.” – Wendy Williams
16. “I have a full deal with Lifetime, my movie and documentary are just the first projects.” – Wendy Williams
17. “There’s a lot of judgment that people have on other people and you only see the surface, so I try to go as in-depth as possible that a two-hour movie would allow.” – Wendy Williams
18. “When I look in the mirror, I like me. The only way that I could do that was to go and sequester myself. I know that sounds like an odd choice, but Wendy handled this.” – Wendy Williams
19. “My approach has never been that I’m prying.” – Wendy Williams
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20. “I do what I do from the bottom of my heart and the top of my brain. My mind goes a million miles a minute. When the announcer says, “And here’s Wendy,” it’s like being shot out of a cannon. I’m not scripted. It’s really me. So the thing about being choked out, well, you know, who doesn’t like a good choking?” – Wendy Williams
21. “Well, there were definitely elements of my rise in radio that had to do with my being black. But going back as far as Walter Winchell, Army Archerd and Hedda Hopper, legendary wags would grab a radio microphone and talk about what Errol Flynn and other stars were up to.” – Wendy Williams
22. “Even when I deliver my Hot Topic stories about celebrities, maybe now people understand where I’m coming from when I say certain things about certain people.” – Wendy Williams
23. “The ocean, after all, is not about stability but about change. Change is normal. Everything changes. All the time.” – Wendy Williams
24. “I am often accused of being the person who says things that people really want to say but maybe are too scared to say it.” – Wendy Williams
25. “Being on TV in front of people is a lot different than sitting in a dark room with a microphone. When I had my radio show, I was on four hours a day for 20-something years. If you put a live microphone in front of Mother Teresa for that amount of time, she’d piss somebody off.” – Wendy Williams
26. “Thank God I am 20 feet tall, so my crying is never mistaken as weak. It can be mistaken as weird, but not weak.” – Wendy Williams
27. “George Clooney is a wonderful philanthropist. But I’ve heard regular people say, “Would he just shut up and be hot?” – Wendy Williams
28. “I enjoyed being what I was in radio, which some thought of as a shock jock although, to this day, I still can’t figure out what I’ve done that’s so shocking. As to my favorite interviews, I loved having my mother and father on. I also enjoyed talking to Elmo, who’s a puppet. I found T.I.‘s trying to be extra-cool very endearing. Tyra Banks was not the diva I expected her to be. I loved talking to her. And Simon Cowell is a really nice guy. Yeah! He’s my fave, and he’s handsome.” – Wendy Williams
29. “The real Wendy is a plain, regular girl with good skin. I do have hair if he’s wondering about that. I have lots of witnesses to that. [Chuckles] And I’m a homebody. When I get off the phone with you, Kam, I’m going to the grocery store, because our power was out for 4 days. As for breast augmentation, I do recommend it for women over 30 who have a couple of extra dollars. But it’s not for a nutty schoolgirl who might just be doing it for a guy.” – Wendy Williams
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30. “I’m for gay marriage. I’ve been married for 14 years. Marriage is not for everybody, it’s not easy and divorce is there for a reason. If a gay person wants to get married, get married.” – Wendy Williams
31. “I’m not a dancer, and it was very time-consuming. But I met great people, and it was flattering to be asked to be on. You don’t understand how demanding that show is until you’re on the inside. That is real work. Real work!” – Wendy Williams
32. “Doing the show. That 10 AM feeling when the doors open up. Forget about it! Also, my son coming home with a respectable grade on something that I know he’s worked hard on. And good health excites me, too.” – Wendy Williams
33. “And it was important to my parents that I get my degree in 4 years, because “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” [LOL] I will support my son in whatever he wants to do professionally, but he will go to college, too. My husband and I are in concert on that.” – Wendy Williams
34. “I got all this plastic surgery. My mother’s lesson to me regarding womanhood was about being as beautiful as you can at all times.” – Wendy Williams
35. “I am not a copycat, but Howard gave me permission to be exactly who you are, damned what the bosses and audience think because if you’re smart in your delivery, they’ll find it fascinating.” – Wendy Williams
36. “I was concerned based on what was going on around me. I’d done my detective work. I knew what was about to happen, and I was like, Let me go someplace where you’re not allowed to have the whole bottle of wine.” – Wendy Williams
37. “Maybe it’s your obligation to use your celebrity for more than just your new BMW. I use mine to make people smile.” – Wendy Williams
38. “All I can say is that I regret nothing. Some of the things that I’ve said might have stung. I sleep comfortably at night. I wasn’t coming from a bad place.” – Wendy Williams
39. “I love the confidence! I am who I am, and I know who I am. I respect what you have to say, but I’m not listening to you, and your opinion is not affecting me. I am a 49-year-old woman. Don’t tell me! That’s what I love!” – Wendy Williams
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40. “If you want to be private, then stay in the house. You’ve got enough money as a celebrity, and your house is gorgeous, so stay in there. It’s unfair to say that but I say it.” – Wendy Williams
41. “Being tall and big was probably more painful than being black.” – Wendy Williams
42. “O.K. Now that I’m single, I will not fart in front of a man that I am dating. Those days are over. For instance, I had somebody over the other day, but I felt, you know, the air. I’m like, “Oh, God.” I went up to my bathroom. I turned on the fan so it was nice and loud and I just let it rip.” – Wendy Williams
43. “These days people feel as if they have the right to information from celebrities because if they can’t get that information from them directly, they can get it through social media anyway.” – Wendy Williams
44. “I’m fearless, and I learned something from my mother. There are three people that I admire the most.” – Wendy Williams
45. “I’ve been doing this for years and been vilified. Now everybody’s doing it. It’s not necessarily fair that the public feels the way it does.” – Wendy Williams
46. “Celebrities have a right to privacy.” – Wendy Williams
47. “As far as telling my story again, I found myself laughing through most of the movie, including passing out on stage because I felt it before the commercial break and then when we came back from commercial, I knew I needed to sit down. But I didn’t I didn’t want to disappoint production. I didn’t want to disappoint people watching. I didn’t want to disappoint me.” – Wendy Williams
48. “I know it’s hard to let go of people that have been with you forever. Sometimes it’s time to call it a day.” – Wendy Williams
49. “Finding the fine line between satisfying a daytime TV audience and an afternoon radio audience. That involved editing down my delivery to under an hour. I’ve been blessed to have great producers and a great staff to achieve that. I have a small team but they’re very efficient.” – Wendy Williams
50. “I consider myself the original.” – Wendy Williams
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