Britney's extensions always look ratty
Nicole Kidman's hair looks like bleached hay
by Anonymous | reply 93 | May 19, 2023 11:51 PM |
Beyoncé has bad lacefronts.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | April 15, 2023 3:16 AM |
GOOP's hair looks thin and stringy
by Anonymous | reply 3 | April 15, 2023 3:21 AM |
Nick Cage. No more needs to be said.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | April 15, 2023 3:25 AM |
Cher's hair has for decades looked ridiculously fake. Elaborate wigs always look fake.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | April 15, 2023 3:29 AM |
Garcelle Beaveuaux Nylon(?l) from RHOBH, her weaves are horrendous
by Anonymous | reply 11 | April 15, 2023 4:37 AM |
Dangling Tendrils need to die in a grease fire.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | April 15, 2023 4:44 AM |
She's not what you immediately would think of as a "celebrity" but American historian Doris Kearns Goodwin is the queen of the bad wig.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | April 15, 2023 4:44 AM |
r14, she looks like she bought that at Party City
by Anonymous | reply 15 | April 15, 2023 4:50 AM |
BEST YOU BE CAREFUL! Don't make me hit anyone else!
by Anonymous | reply 16 | April 15, 2023 4:57 AM |
[quote] Chers wigs look great
They look like what they are: expensive wigs. Expensive, elaborate wigs on an elderly person.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | April 15, 2023 4:57 AM |
Who was the one that pretended to be pregnant and wore a fake baby bump on a talk show?
by Anonymous | reply 18 | April 15, 2023 5:01 AM |
Marky Mark's hair changes constantly. But it's generally a cow-dung shade ill-suited for a man his age. He needs to go lighter with the 'hair' or go gray. Or bald.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 19 | April 15, 2023 5:20 AM |
William Shatner’s rugs. But to be fair, he’d look far worse au natural.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | April 15, 2023 5:27 AM |
Is Jeff Lewis a celeb? D list? Anyhow, her badly blended toupee is always slipping off her drunk head.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | April 15, 2023 6:48 AM |
(R14) Yes her wigs.... But you have to listen to her, she is so wonderful and full of historical comparisons. She's got a great Masterclass if you subscribe.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | April 15, 2023 7:00 AM |
I bet a lot of celebrities look anorexic and fake in real life. The look works in camera but doesn’t translate to real life.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | April 15, 2023 7:12 AM |
Justin Theroux has the deep shoe-polish black colour of someone twenty years younger and it bugs me to no end. You're supposed to go lighter as you age, otherwise you get that dreaded witchy look.
Blake Ritson has the exact same wig in everything he's in.
Norman Reedus. Do I even need to elaborate?
by Anonymous | reply 27 | April 15, 2023 10:29 AM |
Robert Redford needs some new wigs
by Anonymous | reply 30 | April 15, 2023 6:11 PM |
Burt Reynolds had some really bad wigs over the years
by Anonymous | reply 31 | April 16, 2023 1:18 AM |
Jane Fonda’s most recent one. I mean you spend a king’s ransom on plastic surgery and that’s what you buy for the hair (and I know she needs a wig now because of her cancer treatments)
by Anonymous | reply 33 | April 16, 2023 5:53 AM |
[quote] Dangling Tendrils need to die in a grease fire.
Agree, R13. Meghan Markle was the first person who came to mind upon reading OP’s question.
Her Yak wigs are truly heinous.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | April 16, 2023 6:33 AM |
Kim Kardashian: stringy messes
by Anonymous | reply 35 | April 16, 2023 6:34 AM |
The bleached blond hair does not flatter Kim K
by Anonymous | reply 36 | April 16, 2023 6:39 AM |
Jennifer Lopez. Her wig/weave sits too far down on her forehead.
I tried watching her movie Shotgun Wedding and was distracted by the banana peel hair on her head.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | April 16, 2023 7:19 AM |
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban come as a bad-wig pair.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | April 16, 2023 7:25 AM |
The fashion for Dangling Tendrils has gone on too long.
Poor women are obliged to get falsies and extensions.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 40 | April 16, 2023 7:38 AM |
^ Great pick! They always look awful
by Anonymous | reply 41 | April 16, 2023 7:38 AM |
Cher wears wigs like hats- I don't count her.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | April 16, 2023 7:49 AM |
DAMN, R14, that's so, so sad. She's 100% unrecognizable, even compared to just 8 years ago...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 43 | April 16, 2023 7:58 AM |
Oh gawd, the Robert Redford Wears a Wig Troll (R30) is back.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | April 16, 2023 7:59 AM |
Doris must have suffered some bad hair loss. Side effect of plagiarism?
by Anonymous | reply 45 | April 16, 2023 10:54 AM |
Robert Redford has a luscious head of hair and he's 130 years old. He definitely wears a wig. It looks good on him but it is still a wig.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | April 16, 2023 11:11 AM |
Jessica Sampson’s weaves or wigs often look like fried Barbie doll hair
by Anonymous | reply 47 | April 16, 2023 1:54 PM |
[quote]Robert Redford Wears a Wig Troll
That is a vicious lie. Robert Redford doesn't wear a wig. He wears SEVERAL. All at once.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | April 16, 2023 2:08 PM |
Unfortunately, Mickey Rourke.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 51 | April 16, 2023 7:05 PM |
R51, I just assumed that was some random lesbian. Wow Mickey Rourke. Wow.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | April 16, 2023 10:12 PM |
Redford doesn't wear a rug. He just has his hair dyed by Stevie Wonder.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | April 17, 2023 6:31 AM |
It's NOT A RUG. It's a bad dye job! He'd look so much better if he just let his hair go grey...
by Anonymous | reply 56 | April 17, 2023 8:08 AM |
It's a rug, and a cheap one at that.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | April 17, 2023 5:38 PM |
No hairline because it's a rug
by Anonymous | reply 60 | April 17, 2023 6:25 PM |
R51 Are you sure that's not Marjorie Taylor Greene?
by Anonymous | reply 62 | April 17, 2023 6:32 PM |
Not really a celeb but Meghan Markle.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | April 17, 2023 7:07 PM |
R55 I thought Willem Dafoe got into a car accident for a second.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | April 17, 2023 7:20 PM |
Lori Greiner of Shark Tank who looks like MTG more and more, every day.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 68 | April 17, 2023 10:26 PM |
R63, seems like a lot of the women in the Trumposphere have those fake looking extensions
by Anonymous | reply 69 | April 18, 2023 12:36 AM |
R51 How dare you suggest that's a wig!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 70 | April 18, 2023 12:46 AM |
Loretta Swit. When MASH first started she had her long, but thinning, hair. As the years went by it became more and more obviously that she was wearing bad wigs. On one show Hot Lips supposedly had a perm and the wig looked like the ones worn by Harpo Marx. She wears bad wigs to this day, from what I hear due to her going bald.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | April 18, 2023 1:22 AM |
Mickey Rourke is serving up Michael Myers.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | April 18, 2023 2:23 AM |
Diana Ross. The last time we have ever seen her 'natural hair' was in 1980, in the Scavullo photos for her album "diana". Since then, she has worn all wigs.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | April 18, 2023 3:29 AM |
I thought Goodwin died ages ago. She's only 80--I figured she'd be older by now if she was alive.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | April 18, 2023 3:42 AM |
R32 Baby Peggy looks cute and age-appropriate.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | April 18, 2023 4:15 AM |
Suzanne Somers is bad. The bleached blonde with long bangs don’t do anyone favors, much less 70+
by Anonymous | reply 83 | April 18, 2023 6:38 PM |
[quote] Suzanne Somers is bad. The bleached blonde with long bangs don’t do anyone favors, much less 70+
Vitamins ensure I never age. I cured cancer!
by Anonymous | reply 84 | April 18, 2023 6:41 PM |
R83, let Goldie Hawn know that!
by Anonymous | reply 85 | April 18, 2023 7:11 PM |
At the really good end of the wig scale there's Mike Nichols. He was bald from childhood and always wore a full hairpiece. Whoever noticed?
by Anonymous | reply 86 | May 9, 2023 12:49 PM |
Luke Beesley. Love his commentary, hate his haircut.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 87 | May 9, 2023 3:58 PM |
Goops restrictive diet has wreaked havoc on her hair and her bones.
by Anonymous | reply 88 | May 9, 2023 4:07 PM |
R32 That may be a terrible wig but she has beautiful plump cheeks for a woman of her age.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | May 10, 2023 9:01 AM |
The actor who plays Roy Kent on Ted Lasso.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 91 | May 12, 2023 6:01 PM |
Phil Spector owns this page.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 92 | May 19, 2023 11:44 PM |
Attached to my scalp sewn to the hide of fine Corinthian leather.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 93 | May 19, 2023 11:51 PM |