Samantha Guthrie Murder: Where Are Danny Hamby and Toni Kenney Now?

In 2000, an upsetting call to Samantha Guthrie’s family implied they summoned the specialists right to report her missing. In any case, the story possibly finished in misfortune when the young person’s body was found in a lush region half a month after the fact. Examination Discovery’s ‘The Murder Tapes: The House on Lillian Street’ accounts how the specialists followed all leads back to a house in Akron, Ohio, where Samantha was killed. Anyway, how about we figure out what happened then, at that point, will we?

How Did Samantha Guthrie Die? Samantha Guthrie was born in May 2000, and she was an Akron, Ohio, local. While in secondary school, the 18-year-old enjoyed different games that included wrestling. She was portrayed as a friendly individual who cherished being the focal point of consideration. At the hour of the occurrence, however, Samantha had been managing a methamphetamine compulsion, with her folks attempting to help her out in any capacity they could.

As indicated by the show, Samantha’s dad was one of the last people to talk with her; he had gotten her a Uber to a house on Lillian Street in Akron the evening of November 4, 2018. Later on, the family heard some upsetting news about Samantha being shot and placed in the storage compartment of a vehicle. Tragically, an examination uncovered it to be valid. Samantha’s body was found under a heap of branches in a lush region in New Franklin, Ohio, on November 25, 2018. She had been shot in the head and had a couple of cuts on her neck.

Who Killed Samantha Guthrie? The specialists discovered that the house on Lillian Street was an unwanted medication house utilized by many individuals. According to the show, an observer, Marshall, addressed the police at first. As indicated by him, a man and a lady got into a contention with Samantha, and the man in the end shot her. Afterward, two others assisted the couple with completing Samantha and tidy up the crime location. A few was recognized as Danny Hamby, then, at that point, 39, and Toni Kenney, then, at that point, 31. The two individuals who assisted were subsequently recognized as Dylan Brown and William Alexander.

Before long, a tip drove the police to Danny and Toni, and they were brought into guardianship. While Toni denied truly being at the house, Danny wouldn’t coordinate and requested an attorney straight away. In this way, the specialists chose to seek after different suspects. At that point, Dylan Brown was in authority on random charges. He then, at that point, confirmed everything Marshall had said to the police. Dylan additionally conceded conveying Samantha’s body to Danny’s vehicle and later tidying up the crime location.

At the unwanted house, the police tracked down indications of a shooting. There was proof of blood, ridiculous apparel, and a consume pit in the patio. Moreover, the covering had been torn out. Afterward, William Alexander was additionally captured, and according to the show, he asserted that Danny undermined him into assisting with the wrongdoing. When Samantha’s body was found in New Franklin, her DNA was matched to the blood at the crime location and the blood found in the vehicle Danny and Toni were driving.

Where Could Danny Hamby and Toni Kenney Now be? The specialists accepted that a contention between the couple and Samantha turned deadly, with Danny pulling the trigger. In September 2019, after at first seeming to retreat from their arrangements, both in the long run consented to their requests. Danny confessed to kill, having a weapon under handicap, altering proof, and gross maltreatment of a cadaver. He was subsequently condemned to 24 years to life in jail. Toni confessed to messing with proof, gross maltreatment of a cadaver, and capturing that very day. She was subsequently given over a 16-year sentence.

Dylan and William both confessed to their inclusion in the wrongdoing also. While Dylan got five years probation, William was condemned to 12 years in jail. Jail records demonstrate that Danny remains imprisoned at Mansfield Correctional Institution in Richland County, Ohio. He will be qualified for parole in 2043. With respect to Toni, she is carrying out her punishment at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, Union County, and is relied upon to be delivered in 2034.
