ID's Murder in the Heartland covered Larry Holman's murder in its episode, titled Hunting a Killer. The episode initially aired on November 23, 2022, and is now available for streaming on DirectTV. The murder was initially dubbed as a hunting accident, but soon clues surfaced that revealed Holman's wife, Tammy, had a role to play in it.
The synopsis for the episode reads:
"November 2000, Festus, Jefferson County, Missouri: In rural Missouri, deer hunter Larry Holman, age 45, was found dead in his car near the popular deer trails. Was this murder a hunting accident gone horribly wrong? Or was this murder something far more sinister? Investigators must get to work to try to solve this homicide, which they are able to do.It continues:
In the end, it was Larry's cheating wife, Tammy Holman, who was the "mastermind" behind the murder. The actual killer was her boyfriend Charlie Miller. Tammy mistakenly believed that she would receive a million dollars from a "life insurance policy" on Larry -- a document she found that was not an actual life insurance policy on Larry. Tammy was eventually sentenced to 7 years in prison and Charlie was eventually sentenced to 25 years in prison."Tammy Holman and Larry's best friend, Charlie Miller, were eventually convicted of the murder. Tammy accepted an Alford plea and was sentenced to 7 years in prison. She was released in 2009 and has since then resided in Missouri, while maintaining a low profile.
Tammy Holman got involved with her high school boyfriend after Larry's death
Larry Holman, the victim, met his wife when he was 28. Tammy was 12 years younger than him, but the two allegedly got along well. They had two kids and lived a peaceful life in the small city of Festus. Larry worked at LaRoche Industries, and their life seemed perfect from the outside.
Larry often stepped out to hunt. On one such occasion in 2000, Larry was found dead in his car at a popular hunting spot after Tammy called the authorities.
It would have been ruled out as a hunting accident if not for Tammy Holman's suspicious behavior. Soon after Larry's death, Tammy began a relationship with her high school boyfriend, Tim Smith. Moreover, Tim also moved in with her soon after the funeral.
Soon, the police reached out to Charlie Miller, Larry's best friend, who also allegedly harbored feelings for Tammy. While being questioned, Larry began to reveal startling details. He stated that Tammy asked him to kill Larry. He also revealed that this was not the first time he had tried to kill his friend. Tammy had promised him he could move in with her and the kids after Larry died.
Following the confession, Tammy Holman was arrested and charged. While the jury was deliberating, Tammy took an Alford Plea, resulting in the judge sentencing her to seven years in prison. Charlie was sent to prison for 25 years.
She was released in 2009 and moved back to Festus. According to reports, she also remarried after the prison term. She has maintained a low profile since the crime.
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