Fame | Marcia Griffiths net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Marcia Griffiths? When is Marcia Griffiths's birthday? Where is Marcia Griffiths born? Where did Marcia Griffiths grow up from? What's Marcia Griffiths's age?

Marcia Griffiths Born: November 23, 1949 (age 73years), Kingston, Jamaica

How about Marcia Griffiths's parents?

Marcia Griffiths Parents: Beatrice Griffiths, Joseph Griffiths

Does Marcia Griffiths have any children? What are the names of Marcia Griffiths's children? What are the ages of Marcia Griffiths's children?

Marcia Griffiths Children: Errol Thompson Jr

How about Marcia Griffiths's skos genre?

Marcia Griffiths Skos genre: Reggae

How about Marcia Griffiths's group?

Marcia Griffiths Group: I Threes (1974 1981), Bob and Marcia, Bob Marley and the Wailers (1974 1981)

What is Marcia Griffiths age?

Griffiths has three sons, Errol Thompson Jr, Johannes and Marcus, and is also step-mother to Matthew Thompson, more popularly known as artiste and producer Esco.

How many children Marcia Griffiths have?

Griffiths has three sons, Errol Thompson Jr, Johannes and Marcus, and is also step-mother to Matthew Thompson, more popularly known as artiste and producer Esco.

Did Marcia Griffiths sing with Bob Marley?

In a career-spanning interview, iconic singer Marcia Griffiths spoke with GRAMMY.com about her impressive run of solo releases and many years spent singing with Bob Marley as a member of vocal trio the I-Threes.
