Fame | Joel Heitkamp net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Joel Heitkamp? When is Joel Heitkamp's birthday? Where is Joel Heitkamp born? Where did Joel Heitkamp grow up from? What's Joel Heitkamp's age?

Joel Heitkamp Born: November 2, 1961 (age 61years), Breckenridge, Minnesota, United States

Is Joel Heitkamp married? When did Joel Heitkamp get married? Who's Joel Heitkamp's married to? (Who's Joel Heitkamp's husband / wife)?

Joel Heitkamp Spouse: Susan Heitkamp

How about Joel Heitkamp's sibling?

Joel Heitkamp Sibling: Heidi Heitkamp

How about Joel Heitkamp's niece?

Joel Heitkamp Niece: Ali Lange

How about Joel Heitkamp's education?

Joel Heitkamp Education: University of North Dakota

How about Joel Heitkamp's nephew?

Joel Heitkamp Nephew: Nathan Lange

How about Joel Heitkamp's party?

Joel Heitkamp Party: North Dakota DemocraticNonpartisan League Party

Where does Joel Heitkamp live?

Joel Heitkamp
Political partyDemocratic (NPL)
RelativesHeidi Heitkamp (sister) Jason Heitkamp (cousin)
Residence(s)Hankinson, North Dakota, U.S.

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