American Gigolo TV Series starring Jon Bernthal

I don’t think there is an official release date yet, but you better believe I will be watching!!!

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by Anonymousreply 164February 19, 2023 10:58 AM

I’m kind of surprised that they went with a 45-year-old. He looks great though.

by Anonymousreply 1July 5, 2022 12:43 AM

Well they can’t go with a 20 year old for a story like that.

by Anonymousreply 2July 5, 2022 12:45 AM

He's too old and not attractive enough.

by Anonymousreply 3July 5, 2022 12:55 AM

Are they still gonna pretend that most male prostitutes have female clients?

by Anonymousreply 4July 5, 2022 12:56 AM

Jon Bernthal is a piece of shit. Fun fact: His brother is engaged to Sheryl Sandberg

by Anonymousreply 5July 5, 2022 1:10 AM

R5 Bernthals are a fancy DC family, like Justin Theroux’s. Same pseudo-intellectual douchey vibes.

by Anonymousreply 6July 5, 2022 1:16 AM

R4, Have known male prostitutes with female clients. Think the epitome of the derogatory term, "rich bitches" on steroids. Usually they're well over 200 lb. drunks who want to show off to their equally obnoxious friends that they can get a hot younger man after their acrimonious divorces.

"Sex" usually means the man gives the woman a massage and then uses his tongue or a vibrator.

Of course there are cases where the husband/BF is watching hidden behind a closet or secret mirror.

Want to be a gigolo? Get a job at Neiman-Marcus (needless markups) and you'll soon get offers to be a plus one at elite parties. Of course you'll have to endure a lot of emotional abuse of how you're "less than" because you're working to support yourself.

Asians and Europeans are gigolos preferred clientele as they're often looking for a temporary tour guide who can offer security as well. Yes they're much more physically attractive women.

by Anonymousreply 7July 5, 2022 1:21 AM

There are Gigolos who only fuck women. And a lot of their clients are either old and/or overweight, or foreign.

by Anonymousreply 8July 5, 2022 1:22 AM

I need Blondie & Armani for this to work.

by Anonymousreply 9July 5, 2022 1:24 AM

It’s a modern retelling.

by Anonymousreply 10July 5, 2022 1:24 AM

Lizzie Brochere is in this. She’s an interesting actress, bilingual French/English, very low key and I’m hoping she plays the Nina Van Pallandt role.

by Anonymousreply 11July 5, 2022 1:31 AM

I would very, very happily purchase Mr Bernthal’s company for the night.

by Anonymousreply 13July 14, 2022 7:03 PM

Bernthal is definitely sexy but after the witnessing the beauty of Richard Gere, he’s something of a let down.

by Anonymousreply 14July 14, 2022 7:10 PM

How many flashback prison scenes are there?

by Anonymousreply 15July 14, 2022 7:10 PM

I've met Jon Bernthal and he's sex on a stick. He may not be quite as pretty as Gere was in his youth, but Bernthal has a sensual animalistic heat that's palpable. Gere was beautiful but looked like an immaculate cold flower.

by Anonymousreply 16July 14, 2022 7:23 PM

Will he present dick? Will it be larger than Gere’s?

by Anonymousreply 17July 14, 2022 7:30 PM

zzzzzz. I agree with R3... not handsome enough, no body to speak of and too old... in all of hollywood they couldn't have got anyone else? REALLY? REALLY??... this series makes it look like ANY GUY if they put on nice clothes can be a gigolo and high in demand from everyone! lol!....

by Anonymousreply 18July 14, 2022 7:35 PM

I'm the hot new actor on the town! Cast me!

by Anonymousreply 19July 14, 2022 7:38 PM

" Bernthal has a sensual animalistic heat that's palpable."

You forgot to sign your post, Jon!

by Anonymousreply 20July 14, 2022 7:54 PM

[quote]He may not be quite as pretty as Gere was in his youth

No, but odds are good Bernthal has a bigger cock, so there's that.

by Anonymousreply 21July 14, 2022 7:56 PM

Gere must be a grower cause he's sure not a shower.

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by Anonymousreply 22July 14, 2022 8:02 PM

Bernthal just oozes sex. I fantasize about him fucking me and slapping my face and barking "Who's your daddy, bitch.?"

When Gere is fucking, he's probably talking about the Dali Lama and chanting.

by Anonymousreply 24July 15, 2022 10:39 PM

R18 Bernthal is Neanderthal-hot and has a compact, brick shithouse build.

by Anonymousreply 25July 16, 2022 12:47 AM

He's fatter than fit-fat.

by Anonymousreply 27July 16, 2022 12:53 AM

He sometimes looks too much like a caveman when he slicks his hair back, Richard Gere was better looking. But I will probably check it out.

by Anonymousreply 28July 16, 2022 1:01 AM

It’s going to be heavy on the crime drama and light on the sexing.

by Anonymousreply 29July 16, 2022 1:27 AM

The scene from The Walking Dead that got him noticed.

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by Anonymousreply 31July 16, 2022 1:40 AM

I’ve seen him in a bunch of roles where contrary to his biceps, he plays someone obviously vulnerable under the macho. He’s not an enigma like Richard Gere.

by Anonymousreply 32July 16, 2022 4:02 PM

Is that Wayne Brady as his pimp? Hahahaa

by Anonymousreply 34July 16, 2022 4:05 PM

Gretchen Mol is great casting. I loved her scenes in Yellowstone. She was tough as nails.

by Anonymousreply 35July 18, 2022 7:23 PM

Does he look like Richard Gere when he takes his clothes off. That is hard to beat.

by Anonymousreply 37July 18, 2022 8:16 PM

I just want to ride my hole on his glorious Ashkenazi schnoz all night long until there's nothing left of either my hole or his schnoz. Beautiful, beautiful man.

by Anonymousreply 38July 18, 2022 9:11 PM

Cock. Want to see his cock.

by Anonymousreply 39July 18, 2022 9:48 PM

He was great against type in a small supporting role as Ewan McGregor's agent in Polanski's The Ghost Writer. An enormously atmospheric mystery/thriller with a bang up ending. Great cast with (DL fave Kim Cattrall) Pierce Brosnan, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Hutton, and Eli Wallach. Beautifully photographed and a great score. And he's hot in a suit.

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by Anonymousreply 40July 19, 2022 5:20 AM

That was a very good movie r40

by Anonymousreply 41July 19, 2022 5:33 AM

Bernthal should sell his bath water on DL. He'd make a fortune.

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by Anonymousreply 42July 19, 2022 6:01 AM

The Ghost Writer is brilliant.

by Anonymousreply 43July 19, 2022 2:13 PM

Does he shave his chest and armpits? I hope not. Any pictures?

by Anonymousreply 44July 21, 2022 4:19 PM

R31 I love his turtle shell back. So manly...

by Anonymousreply 45July 21, 2022 4:20 PM

Reviews are out and they aren't that great. Mixed to negative.

by Anonymousreply 46September 6, 2022 8:52 PM

How much nudity? AusCaps will soon have the screencaps soon, no doubt.

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by Anonymousreply 47September 7, 2022 12:41 AM

Aired tonight. So far only a not-very close ass shot of Bernthal.

by Anonymousreply 48September 10, 2022 8:32 AM

Do you think he was cast because he has a ballpark resemblance to Gere?

by Anonymousreply 49September 10, 2022 8:54 AM

I am a bit surprised that the female clients show more skin than the hustling lead. Was Jon cast to get the straight guys watching a show about a male hustler getting paid to fuck MILFs? Love Rosie.

by Anonymousreply 50September 10, 2022 9:03 AM

Rosie was great in SMILF, she’s had a third act as a supporting dramatic actor

by Anonymousreply 51September 12, 2022 12:55 AM

Lots of angst and creepy back story. Now he's gonna find the killer, who is obviously one of the tech hubby's henchmen.

His prison 'stache was hot.

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by Anonymousreply 52September 12, 2022 1:02 AM

Believe it or not, the best reviews for this are going to Rosie O'Donnell.

I oddly always thought she had it in her to be a decent actress, as long as she stayed away from musicals. I loathed her as a talk show host, however.

by Anonymousreply 53September 12, 2022 1:11 AM

Is the original "Call Me" the theme song?

I know it's in the trailer, but is it in the opening credits?

If it's not, I'm not interested.

by Anonymousreply 54September 12, 2022 1:12 AM

I think Bernthal's caveman aesthetic works for today.

Women's minds have been corrupted by porn, like everyone else's. Rough kinky sex is now standard in straight porn, with all its yes-daddying, gagging, anal, squirting, and hotwifery.

It makes sense that if you're going to pay for sex, you want someone who looks like a porn brute to pound you out.

by Anonymousreply 55September 12, 2022 1:18 AM

R54 Yes. Original Blondie version of Call Me during opening montage, as well as a vocal in a piano bar later, and also Heart of Glass at the closing. Incidentally, I noticed that the titles of almost all the upcoming episodes are named after Blondie songs. Episode 2 is called Pretty Baby.

by Anonymousreply 56September 12, 2022 4:59 AM

I think it's pretty much doomed to fail because you need a dreamier younger man for a show of this nature this to succeed--although Bernthal is very sexy, he's not dreamy in the Richard Gere sort of way (despite the fact they are both dark-haired men with broken noses and six-pack abs), and that's what it would take for this series to succeed.

by Anonymousreply 57September 12, 2022 5:04 AM

I like that he actually looks like someone who spent 15 years in prison. Rosie was good. In the flashback was Julian fucking his mother or the trash in the trailer across the way. I couldn’t tell.

by Anonymousreply 58September 12, 2022 5:07 AM

Jon Bernthal is so fucking sexy it hurts!

by Anonymousreply 59September 12, 2022 5:07 AM

r58 His mother was pimping him out to the neighbor. He’s playing someone who was once a gentle 14-15 year old living in the desert and then his mother pimped him out in the neighborhood and eventually sold him to Olga, the madame of a top LA whorehouse. He was trained at 15 on how to service men and women. I think the whole thing (sex trafficking of a minor boy) is pretty much unexplored territory.

by Anonymousreply 60September 12, 2022 5:26 AM

R57 Yes, except the Gere movie was very coldly glamorous…the cars, the clothes, the exercise…it kind of heralded in the materialistic 1980s. His Julian was selling “romantic and gentle.”

Bernthal’s character does a little bit of the flattery bs with 77 year old Leigh Taylor Young, but his true nature is supposed to be the borderline S&M sex with Olga’s “daughter,” Lizzie Brochere, at the end. He’s supposed to be a brick shithouse rough sex machine, trained since a teenager to channel all his anger (at his mother for selling him) into sex…he’s not the swoony type.

by Anonymousreply 61September 12, 2022 5:34 AM

The show was a complete bore, Bernthal is not that attractive.

by Anonymousreply 62September 12, 2022 5:53 AM

I think he looks hot, because of the confidence and swagger. Big dick energy.

by Anonymousreply 63September 12, 2022 5:57 AM

Does it take place in the 80's?

by Anonymousreply 65September 12, 2022 6:23 AM

It's clear the sex will be portrayed as unpleasant, not erotic, and Bernthal will show chest and only obscured butt shots.

by Anonymousreply 67September 12, 2022 8:00 AM

It was too dark for my liking, knowing people are exploited like this in real life. Pass.

by Anonymousreply 68September 12, 2022 8:05 AM

There was a correct way to do this for 2022, and it was not chosen, just like it wasn't chosen for the abominable abortion that was the Heathers TV remake that was canceled before it aired.

The right way would be: What does an American Gigolo look like in 2022? A "heteroflexible" Onlyfans/Pornhub star in his 20s who rents on the side for men and women.

That would be provocative and have some potentially funny things to say about society and sex right now. Instead, they've gone with a dark fantasy that has gotten meh reviews for being nothing to do with anything. But the original movie was a dark fantasy that got meh reviews for being nothing to do with anything, so ... good job?

Blondie's theme song is literally the only good thing about it. And so was Gere's dick, but today he seems like tinymeat.

by Anonymousreply 69September 12, 2022 8:14 AM

ROSIE!!!!!!!!!!! Looking really butch!

by Anonymousreply 70September 12, 2022 8:21 AM

So does and will his character be shown servicing men or more likely getting serviced by men?

by Anonymousreply 71September 12, 2022 1:38 PM

R65. Nope. Moved up to present day. He went to prison in 2006 and was released 15 years later.

by Anonymousreply 74September 12, 2022 2:00 PM

R69 I agree but I think that would be too fluffy to the creators, They’re doing an homage to Paul Schrader who created some very memorable characters of loose morality. I think they are going for “dark underbelly, corruption, and investigation” such as Goliath. But yes, your version sounds more entertaining and also very Hulu.

by Anonymousreply 75September 12, 2022 2:40 PM

When he was giving the newbie advice about how to handle his protector taking what he wants I got the feeling he was in the same situation when he first got to prison and just gave up his ass to stay safe.

by Anonymousreply 76September 12, 2022 3:13 PM

Is Rosie transitioning ? She even plays a man in the League of their Own reboot.

by Anonymousreply 77September 12, 2022 4:26 PM

[quote] and just gave up his ass to stay safe.

...which of course we want to see, but won't.

by Anonymousreply 78September 12, 2022 5:39 PM

r1 it's Showtime, they always have to miss the mark somewhere. Here they have a rode hard put away wet looking gigolo. This role would be better for someone in their 30s not a 40 year old. But Showtime has to be Showtime.

by Anonymousreply 79September 12, 2022 5:44 PM

Flop. Jon is ugly and has a face for radio.

by Anonymousreply 80September 12, 2022 5:55 PM

Sounds like another Hollywood fantasy, pretending male prostitutes usually have female clients so they can avoid gay stuff

by Anonymousreply 81September 12, 2022 6:02 PM

R55, like .000002% of the female population is paying for sex

by Anonymousreply 82September 12, 2022 6:03 PM

Actually, a fair amount of women pay male escorts to be in control of the situation and being in charge of how far the guy can go.

People underestimate how paying for sex isn't about the sex, but about having the power to go as far as you want to go without the other one crossing the line.

by Anonymousreply 83September 12, 2022 6:50 PM

Men pay to have sex. The power thing sounds more like women.

by Anonymousreply 84September 12, 2022 8:42 PM

Did a tank roll over his face or something?

by Anonymousreply 86September 12, 2022 9:36 PM

Jon Bernthal is perfect casting for this, and he's a great actor. I was a little disappointed with the first episode, however. The writing to explain the backstory is really clunky.

by Anonymousreply 87September 12, 2022 11:10 PM

R87 The first episode was underdirected and underdeveloped and the director doesn’t have enough individuality or style to pull it off.

So far, Bernthal is adept at making silence seem like character complexity but I’m not sure that is sustainable for a series. Too Old to Die Young, which American Gigolo reminds me of a bit, was also underdeveloped but it’s director Nicolas Winding Refn has such a specific aesthetic that it kept my attention.

by Anonymousreply 89September 13, 2022 2:47 AM

r76 I agree. He seemed like he started out as a lover more than a fighter. It seems that in prison he was smart and got the coveted jobs and learned how to defend himself.

I much prefer seeing what happened to hime between the time he was sold to Olga and getting out of prison. I mean whoever murdered the wife, frame him,'s just so been done before. I'd rather see his back story.

The actor playing teen Bernthal—Gabriel LaBelle— is the one playing young Spielberg in The Fabelmans. He's in all the episodes of American Gigolo so I expect we'll see a lot of the back story.

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by Anonymousreply 90September 13, 2022 2:33 PM

I think the cast is good. JB looks good in the buff on the show. Lizzie Brochere' was great in that sex scene with him. Sandrine Holt is a nice addition. Gretchen Mol is really good here. Rosie O? She is so fucking miscast here. What a bad job she does on this show.

As for the cast,you have tons of secondary black characters. One Asian. No Mexicans though California is at least one third Mexican descent! You see them all the time in California how the fuck are they not represented on this show? California is not just white and black.

by Anonymousreply 92September 19, 2022 10:35 AM

R79 a 30 year old doesn’t work with this story. The story only works for someone older.

Onlyfans social media influencers showing it all for $$$ isn’t the same as being a Gigolo. Most of them aren’t.

And this show is a straight man’s show. Anyone watching and not able to tell by just the trailer needs their common sense reworked. It’s obviously aimed at straight men. Most women aren’t watching a story like this in TV form.

by Anonymousreply 93September 19, 2022 10:48 AM

jon is fab as usual but rosie has to be the biggesst case of bad casting in recent years. she is a humorless furd and gives off yucky vibes.

by Anonymousreply 94September 19, 2022 10:54 AM

Gag me.....Wayne Brady..who cast this thing ?

by Anonymousreply 95September 19, 2022 10:59 AM

Rosie is more butch than Hector Elizondo ever was in the role.

by Anonymousreply 96September 19, 2022 11:01 AM

R94 why would she be humorous?

by Anonymousreply 97September 19, 2022 11:02 AM

She gives off creepy lez vibes.

by Anonymousreply 98September 19, 2022 11:50 AM

Maybe she knew the director, i dont get it either. Most odd.

by Anonymousreply 99September 19, 2022 2:59 PM

Can someone on the show who is reading this tell the main actor to stop bobbing his head down every 3 minutes like he's some cute embarrassed stud? I get it, he's trying to copy Richard Gere but he maybe only did it once in the entire movie. Plus Richard had a beautiful face, the face of a male model. This guy may have a better body but the face, sorry dude, you got a Buttherface.

by Anonymousreply 100October 2, 2022 8:50 AM

I like the idea of the backstory how the main character became a Gigolo, but the constant murder theme is WAAAAAAY over played. Just not buying it. The original movie was about the guy, and a slice of life of the very rich he moves in, not Murder She Wrote. If I wanted to see a murder in every episode I would just turn the the ID channel. Bring back the excesses of the rich who dont act like Kardashians, the things that happen behind closed doors, some of the glamor of high fashion, expensive cars and the hip "gay underworld" of Los Angeles.

by Anonymousreply 101October 2, 2022 9:02 AM

r101 When was the last time you watched the original? It was very much about the murder and about how none of his of old snatch clients would provide his alibi. The style put it over the top (and rescued it from typical Paul Schrader darkness).

by Anonymousreply 102October 2, 2022 2:10 PM

I re watched the original maybe a few years ago, I remember it well. There was only ONE murder, and it wasn't some over the top bloody scene with Richard Gere even being there being covered in blood. This stupid series seems to have a murder in every episode. Were up to 4 murders in 3 episodes. This series is being a little too over the top to be believable. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Rosie O'Donnell is the next victim.

by Anonymousreply 103October 3, 2022 11:55 AM

I threw in the towel after episode two.

by Anonymousreply 104October 3, 2022 2:28 PM

the "present-day reimagining" of this story with the SAME characters, ruins the whole thing for me. It took place in 1980, and we're supposed to pretend that it actually took place in 2006, Julian went to jail for 15 years and is out in the present day? Why do they reuse the same ideas over and over and fuck them up?

by Anonymousreply 105October 9, 2022 6:58 AM

I just cant buy that he's a Gigolo with that Butherface. Come on, there are thousands of hot male actors they could have picked. No woman is going to pay for that ugly mug. Yes, I know his body is being shown off more but woman go for the face above all else. Especially when we are talking an escort to public events type guy.

by Anonymousreply 106October 9, 2022 8:33 AM

R106 no they don’t. My female friends like tall men who look like they could protect them if need be. The face should be nice but is not that important.

by Anonymousreply 107October 9, 2022 8:53 AM

How does Bernthal have a butterface, that's literally his best feature -- that Neanderthal face promises to bang you so hard, you'll revert to pre-language grunts. I'll take crude macho features over soft conventionally handsome catwalk models any day of the week.

by Anonymousreply 108October 9, 2022 11:37 AM

"that Neanderthal face promises to bang you so hard, you'll revert to pre-language grunts"

I LOVE this line....thanks r108

by Anonymousreply 109October 9, 2022 6:06 PM

I agree with the critics. The series doesn't understand the point of the film version at all. It's like the writer watched the first five minutes of the film and read the first paragraph of the wikipedia summary and that was it. We get the intro of Berthal driving the convertible played to Blondie's Call Me and that was it. The film was a portrait of a vacuous man in very strange profession who only values things and has no understanding and no desire for love despite (or because) all the sex he was having. When he eventually come to value love and making a real connection, it all falls apart because of his profession. This series instead is just another murder mystery with a hacky whodunnit plot. In the film, who the murderer was didn't matter because that's not what the film was about. Don't get me started on the stupid way Julian and Michelle first meet in the series, which was the best scene in the original movie.

I think Bernthal is a great actor and smoking hot but he's all wrong for this role. He looks like a lineman or a factory worker not a high-end male prostitute serving LA's elite. Gere and Hutton were brilliant in the film because they're bad actors. They're vacant and kind of emotionless - like most models who fall into acting - which is what the film needed. Bernthal is too good of an actor for this role. Gretchen Mol, on the other hand, is just too plain to be playing the Lauren Hutton role.

by Anonymousreply 110October 10, 2022 4:50 AM

R92 They replaced the only sort of Latino character from the original movie with ... Rosie O'Donnell for the TV show.

I actually think Rosie is better than just about everyone in the show. Which tells you how bad the supporting characters and cast are. (Although she for some reason plays everything with a New Yorker accent).

by Anonymousreply 111October 10, 2022 4:54 AM

I would pay for him if I were into doing that kind of thing (and he was selling). He is INSANELY sexy.

by Anonymousreply 112October 10, 2022 4:59 AM

[quote]Neanderthal face promises to bang you so hard, you'll revert to pre-language grunts.

Spoken as a gay man, but that's not what the movie was about.

Older wealthy woman want a HANDSOME man to show them attention, make theme feel special. The sex is secondary. If they just wanted to get fucked by an ugly neanderthal, they could find that at almost any straight pickup bar.

by Anonymousreply 113October 10, 2022 5:20 AM

The series is just too hyper hetronormative for me. Like they are trying to over compensate for the gay undertones of the original movie. It's like the producer said "this is about straight guys fucking straight women! We dont want any of the gay stuff from the movie. Maybe we will throw a couples lesbians in there to keep the L+G+B+T+Q happy. Anyone got Rosie's number? She's a dyke right? "

by Anonymousreply 115October 10, 2022 5:33 AM

When rosie's face comes into view its just CRINGE..

by Anonymousreply 116October 14, 2022 9:42 PM

The most ridiculous part of this show is the idea of Wayne Brady ever being a gigolo.

by Anonymousreply 117October 16, 2022 3:00 AM

They should have just kept the title and built a new show around a male escort who’s clients are male and female. Oh, and (almost forgot) Trans! It would have been much more interesting than this crap.

by Anonymousreply 118October 16, 2022 4:45 AM

They should have just gone all gay with it if they really wanted to be honest about the "male gigolo" title. Plenty of IG, Only Fans would have made great extras in the background.

by Anonymousreply 119October 16, 2022 4:50 AM

Who cast this mess??? brady and rosie are horrid. fugly and well.....fugly.

by Anonymousreply 120October 16, 2022 6:17 AM

A male gigolo with female clients is absurd. Stupid fantasy crap.

by Anonymousreply 121October 16, 2022 6:25 AM

His landlord asked him in episode two if he ever did anything with men, voicing the opinion that he must've done gay stuff at some point. But Julian just dismissed the question saying that isn't his bag.

This further rewrites the movie in which it is implied that Julian began as a gay male prostitue for Leon only to transition to working with women clients when he moved on to work for Anne. The series deletes the Leon chrarater entirely.

by Anonymousreply 122October 16, 2022 6:31 AM

By definition a gigolo is male (so "a male gigolo" is redundant) and services women.

by Anonymousreply 123October 16, 2022 6:31 AM

This show is relentlessly unsexy and gloomy.

by Anonymousreply 124October 16, 2022 6:35 AM

The original was about a cocky douche who descents into madness and desperation realizing his world is falling apart (PSA: Kids, don't become whores!) begging his pimp to help him and even promising to do gay stuff from now on if the pimp helps him out.

by Anonymousreply 125October 16, 2022 6:36 AM

[quote] (PSA: Kids, don't become whores!)

Too late!

by Anonymousreply 126October 16, 2022 6:41 AM

ive had many gigilos honey.....

by Anonymousreply 127October 16, 2022 6:44 AM

It is odd they chose him. Although like Gere Bernthal has dark hair and a broken nose, they're otherwise completely different types: Gere's appeal is his facial beauty, while Bernthal's is his body.

by Anonymousreply 128October 16, 2022 6:47 AM

Does this contain anything gay? If not I won't watch.

by Anonymousreply 129October 16, 2022 7:57 AM

R129 Of course not, this thread would be on part 2 if it did.

by Anonymousreply 130October 16, 2022 8:03 AM

The only parts of interest:

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by Anonymousreply 131October 16, 2022 8:47 AM

Rosie and Wayne B ruin it hands down.

by Anonymousreply 132October 16, 2022 9:39 AM

R111 Rosie acts like she is on a different show. She was horribly cast. WTF is Wayne Brady doing here as well? St least he seems to have tried a bit. A left handed compliment really....

by Anonymousreply 133October 21, 2022 10:48 PM

It's a hot mess. More messy than hot.

by Anonymousreply 134October 22, 2022 9:26 AM

indeed, freaky that rosie and wayne were cast in this.......CRINGE

by Anonymousreply 135October 23, 2022 5:25 PM

I think Rosie is dead pan funny in this. She doesn't ruin it. I also like the land-lady.

by Anonymousreply 136October 25, 2022 10:22 PM

Bernthal's face is great. Masculine and handsome.

You nitpicking cryptkeepers are ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 137October 25, 2022 10:27 PM

I can’t believe I was 13, in 1980, and had Schraeder’s hardcover novel in my room - ordered from The Literary Guild! - and my mom didn’t notice at all.

My parents really didn’t pay much attention to me. Like what 13 y.o. would be reading American Gigolo? It sucked, btw.

by Anonymousreply 138October 25, 2022 10:29 PM

have rosie's big fat lez tittys made another appearance yet ???? flopping on john b's hot face i hope.

by Anonymousreply 139October 25, 2022 11:10 PM

Rosie is giving a great (big fat) performance in this. She is playing it like a high functioning aspie.

by Anonymousreply 140October 27, 2022 8:17 PM

The finale was awful just like the rest of the series. The only character I cared about was Rosie’s character. Dreadful writing. The episode where Julian escorts that mess of a woman to her high school reunion was the only semi decent episode. Please showtime don’t renew this dud.

by Anonymousreply 141October 29, 2022 10:56 AM

Its quite schlocky but I've enjoyed it. The writing IS terrible and it needed double the plot. Instead it stretches out its plot with repetitive flashbacks. But the performances were OK to good. If I were the producer I would spin off Rosie into there own series. That was a weird and wonderful characterization.

I have to say I got a kick out of the super cheesy effects used to "youthen" the characters in flashbacks.

by Anonymousreply 142October 29, 2022 11:03 AM


by Anonymousreply 143October 31, 2022 3:24 PM

I don't mind Rosie. But her in combination with Wayne Brady made this show at times too corny.

by Anonymousreply 144November 1, 2022 2:57 AM

This show that white washed all the gay subtext out of it from the original movie is about as exiting and believable as the Hallmark channel. YAWN!

by Anonymousreply 145November 1, 2022 6:34 AM

R145 Which is strange because homoerotica is big on premium channel shows. Gay sex always pops up at some point.

by Anonymousreply 146November 1, 2022 7:05 AM

I wish Bernthal's cock would pop up.

by Anonymousreply 147November 1, 2022 7:08 AM

R146, The problem is they chose a big fat Rosie as their "homoerotic" story line.

by Anonymousreply 148November 2, 2022 8:38 AM

Obese fugly ole rosie ruins another show....geesh!

by Anonymousreply 149November 2, 2022 2:22 PM

There’s problems with this show, but Rosie isn’t one of them

by Anonymousreply 150November 4, 2022 7:32 AM

She's a problem if they think that's their idea of replacing the gay subtext of the show. It's not the L Word. Or any letter of the GLBTXYZ. It was about the main characters sort having a checkered past including doing gay tricks to get started. As well as his gay connections in the "dark underworld" of gay prostitution and crime.

by Anonymousreply 151November 4, 2022 9:38 AM

She’s a cop, r151 get a grip.

by Anonymousreply 152November 4, 2022 2:49 PM

So there was no content of him with guys? Knew it. Glad I did not watch.

by Anonymousreply 153November 4, 2022 2:52 PM

Lizzie Brochere was terrible. Like she was doing a 1990s Angelina Jolie impersonation.

by Anonymousreply 154November 4, 2022 3:10 PM

R154 I like her. She was too much of a sex kitten on this show though. Lizzie also acted like she was on the show whereas Rosie acted like a straight man on a lesbian cop comedy!

by Anonymousreply 155November 5, 2022 4:38 PM

I scroll down comments really fast on a show that I have not watched, to get the "DL reviews"

From my quick scrolling it sounds like this show SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard pass, won't even bother now.

And that man is a 5 alarm smoke show. This show must be really bad!

by Anonymousreply 156November 5, 2022 4:43 PM

[quote]She’s a cop, [R151] get a grip.

She's an actress Dear.

by Anonymousreply 157November 6, 2022 9:12 AM

As someone who (might) have been a gigolo in college---I can tell you I never met a 50 year old gigolo at any of the escort service staff meetings. The plot is already flawed. Pass. Jon Berenthal ain't that hot.

by Anonymousreply 158November 6, 2022 9:21 AM

she plays herself ::::: a humorless bore.

by Anonymousreply 159November 7, 2022 4:57 PM

sandra bernhard woulda been better.

by Anonymousreply 160November 15, 2022 6:09 AM

They white washed all the gay out of the original show. By chance the real movie was on TV the other day as I was flipping through the channels. The scene I caught was in the beginning when Richard walks into the Malibu beach house with the naked girls. He's bartering with his pimp, the Swedish woman in the shot. At one point he says something to the effect of "go right ahead then and higher those dumb fa**ets" To which she responds "oh, look who's talking". Then he shuts up. Implying that's how he got started.

by Anonymousreply 161November 15, 2022 6:40 AM

Rosie's big dumb head made me gag.

by Anonymousreply 162November 15, 2022 6:45 AM

And in case you missed it, folks: Showtime has officially canceled the 'troubled' series on Janaury 30, 2023. That means - no season 2 for you ! Maybe if more people watched, the ratings would have been better and the show would be renewed. However, it really was a dull show to watch so it deserves to canned.

by Anonymousreply 163February 17, 2023 9:05 PM

old potatoe head rosie killed the show dammit.

by Anonymousreply 164February 19, 2023 10:58 AM
