The most popular Marilyn Manson's song is "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Alt. Version)" . The song has been published on 09/10/2009. The highest achieved chart position has been reached by "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Alt. Version)". "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Alt. Version)" has gained the number as the best result in the weekly music chart - American Top 40 Top Chart and spent 1 weeks on the listing. Originally, "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Alt. Version)"'s title is "MARILYN MANSON - SWEET DREAMS (ARE MADE OF THIS) (ALT. VERSION)". "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Alt. Version)" has accumulated 291.4M total views, 2.7M likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube since the premiere day (09 October 2009).