The parents of an Alabama freshman who broke his arm in a brutal hazing incident by the high school's football team are suing the school district for $12million.
Rodney Kim Jr, 14, had just made the varsity football team at Davidson High School - a feat for a freshman - when the violent beating took place in the boy's locker room on Friday April 27.
A video of the hazing ritual went viral, displaying a circle of young men punching the freshman crumpled on the ground and jumping on top of him.
Kim's parents Mary Rayford-Kim and Rodney Kim Sr announced they are suing the Mobile County Board of Education for $12million on Monday.

The parents of Davidson High School freshman Rodney Kim Jr, 14, announced they will sue the Mobile, Alabama school district in a $12million lawsuit after a video of their son being brutally hazed went viral, pictured above
She said the family will officially announce the lawsuit at noon on Monday in a press conference, according to
In their lawsuit they will specifically demand Davidson High School forfeit all games in the 2018 season, each of the school's football coaches be fired, all 20 football players involved in the beating be charged, and for hazing to be banned in all high schools in the US.
Rodney was left with a broken arm in the attack and was taken to Providence Hospital. He had surgery Wednesday and will need to wear a long cast for four weeks and a short cast for an additional six weeks.
His mother says that the teenager has trouble sleeping since the attack and will likely finish his high school career at another school.
'One of the boys whispered to my son that they would get him,' his mother said to
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Rodney's parents Rodney Kim Sr, left, and Mary Rayford-Kim, right, said they demand the football players who assaulted him be charged, Rodney pictured center

In the April 27 attack Rodney was left with a broken arm, left, his mother Mary Rayford-Kim, right, believes he was attacked because he had just made the varsity football team
'Rodney told them to leave him alone, but as he was walking back to the locker room, someone walked up behind him, picked him up and threw him to the ground and they started hitting him. He said he was trying to protect his head when one of the big boys jumped on him, and that is when he thought his arm was broke,' she added.
She believes it was a plotted attack.
'They said that they were going to get him the day that he was promoted to varsity. This is the culture at Davidson High School,' she said to WPMI.

In the lawsuit, the parents demand the coaches including Fred Riley, above, who has worked for the team for 14 years, be fired
Speaking on the viral video of the hazing attack she said she hasn't seen it.
'I know the video would send me into a rage. I can't see my baby treated that way,' she said.
Rodney says that a similar hazing incident took place just one week prior.
'Rodney said that young man had a chipped tooth because of it. We advised Rodney not to participate in such an activity, and he told the players that he wanted nothing to do with it,' Mary said.
After the incident, Davidson coach Fred Riley 'fussed' at the players then called Rodney's parents.
Riley has coached the football team for 14 years and has not commented on the hazing incident.
'The trainer told my husband that Rodney had been hurt at football practice, and we needed to take him to the hospital. My husband asked how could he be hurt during a non-contact practice, and the trainer told him he thought it was a hazing incident,' she said.
In wake of the incident four Davidson student athletes have been suspended.

Rodney pictured left with his father, center, and mother, right, who will detail the lawsuit on Monday in a press conference

The attack took place here at Davidson High School in Mobile Alabama. Rodney said a similar hazing attack to his took place just one week prior
Arrest warrants have also been signed for those same four minors. They will be charged with assault after the warrants are delivered.
As of Sunday they had not been arrested.
Mobile County Schools Superintendent Martha Peek insisted the district does not condone hazing.
'It's very definitely a disturbing situation that occurred in the locker room at Davidson High School. It's something we by no means condone. We stress with our students proper decorum. Unfortunately, we had a group of young men that made some very poor decisions,' she said.
'Since that has come to light, we have begun immediately a complete investigation. As you can imagine, it's complex. It will take a lot of interviewing and a lot of follow-up to get all the details and know who was involved and what took place,' she added.
According to Peek, the football coaches were nearby when the beating took place and rushed to break up the fight when they heard noise.
But Rodney and his family say that that did not happen.