Caldwell landfill hosts free hazardous waste disposal event

Pickles Butte Sanitary Landfill is hosting a free hazardous waste disposal event for Canyon County residents on Dec. 6.

The event is held in the O'Connor Field House parking lot from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

People should only bring up to 25 gallons of waste or 20 items per household.

Here's a list of accepted waste:

Cleaning Products: oven cleaners, drain cleaners, wood and metal cleaners and polishers, toilet cleaners, tub and shower cleaners, tile cleaners, bleach, pool chemicals.

Indoor Pesticides: ant spray and baits, cockroach sprays and baits, flea repellents and shampoos, bug sprays, houseplant insecticides, moth repellents, mouse/rat poison and baits.

Automotive Products: motor oil, fuel additives, carburetor and fuel injection cleaners, starter fluids, automotive batteries, transmission and brake fluid, antifreeze.

Workshop/Painting Supplies: adhesives and glues, furniture strippers, oil or enamel-based paints, stains and finishes, paint thinners and turpentine, paint strippers and removers, photographic chemicals, fixatives and other solvents.

Lawn/Garden Products: herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, wood preservatives.

Household Batteries and Fluorescent Light bulbs: nickel-cadmium batteries, lithium/lithium-ion batteries, fluorescent tubes and light bulbs.

Other Flammable Products: propane tanks, kerosene, home heating oil, diesel fuel, gas/oil mix, lighter fluid.

Electronic Waste: cell phones, computers, monitors, printers, audio/video, small devices (iPods, gaming devices), other equipment with a cord.
