I had a fairly straightforward interview question: return all countries that have more customers than the average number of customers of all cities.
id country_name 1 Austria 2 Germany 3 United Kingdom
id city_name country_id 1 Wien 1 2 Berlin 2 3 Hamburg 2 4 London 3
id customer_name city_id 1 cust1 1 2 cust2 4 3 cust3 3 4 cust4 1 5 cust5 2 6 cust6 1 7 cust7 4 8 cust8 2
Below is my solution. My answer was close but didn't pass the test case because mine returned more countries than the expected output. Do you know why, or how would you approach this problem?
SELECT co.country_name, COUNT(customer_name) FROM country co JOIN city ci ON co.id = ci.country_id JOIN customer cu ON ci.id = cu.city_id GROUP BY co.country_name HAVING COUNT(customer_name) > (SELECT AVG(temp.cnt) FROM (SELECT ci.id, COUNT(customer_name) AS cnt FROM city ci JOIN customer cu ON ci.id = cu.city_id GROUP BY ci.id) temp) ORDER BY co.country_name ASC;
Users in this thread SQL: Count values higher than average for a group are using WHERE
instead of HAVING
to select value bigger than average. I wonder if HAVING
is not suitable for this type of problem.
6 Answers
Your current query is one valid way to solve this problem, but maybe the recipient of your answer was expecting a different solution. A more modern way of doing this might involve analytic functions:
WITH cte AS ( SELECT co.country_name, COUNT(customer_name) cnt, AVG(COUNT(customer_name)) OVER () avg_cnt FROM country co INNER JOIN city ci ON co.id = ci.country_id INNER JOIN customer cu ON ci.id = cu.city_id GROUP BY co.country_name ) SELECT country_name, cnt FROM cte WHERE cnt > avg_cnt;
In the CTE above, as we turn out the counts for each country name, we also compute the average count across your entire original result set. Then, all we have to is subquery and compare each count against the average.
2I tried below query and it worked for me.
WITH CTE AS( SELECT DISTINCT CO.country_name, Ci.city_name,COUNT(city_id) AS cnt , AVG(COUNT(city_id)) OVER() avg_cnt FROM COUNTRY CO INNER JOIN City CI ON CI.country_id = CO.id INNER JOIN Customer CU ON CU.city_id = CI.id GROUP BY CO.country_name,CI.city_name ) SELECT country_name,city_name, cnt FROM CTE WHERE cnt > avg_cnt ORDER BY country_name
Let me know if this works for you. Thanks
The logic is same, fetching queries differ.
Write a query which will return all city name, country name and number of customers with more customers than the average number of customers of all cities in ascending order.
SELECT city.city_name, country.country_name, COUNT(customer.id) AS num_customer FROM city JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.id JOIN customer ON city.id = customer.city_id GROUP BY city.id HAVING num_customer > (SELECT AVG(num_customer) FROM (SELECT city.id, COUNT(customer.id) AS num_customer FROM city JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.id JOIN customer ON city.id = customer.city_id GROUP BY city.id) AS temp) ORDER BY country.country_name;
I just added ci.city_name in select and group by clauses of the main query and it worked for me.
SELECT co.country_name,ci.city_name COUNT(customer_name) FROM country co JOIN city ci ON co.id = ci.country_id JOIN customer cu ON ci.id = cu.city_id GROUP BY co.country_name , ci.city_name HAVING COUNT(customer_name) > (SELECT AVG(temp.cnt) FROM (SELECT ci.id, COUNT(customer_name) AS cnt FROM city ci JOIN customer cu ON ci.id = cu.city_id GROUP BY ci.id) temp) ORDER BY co.country_name ASC;
with cty as(SELECT city.id, country.country_name,city.city_name COUNT(customer.id) AS num_customer FROM city JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.id JOIN customer ON city.id = customer.city_id GROUP BY city.id order by country.country_name) SELECT country.country_name,city.city_name, num_customer from cty where num_customer>(select avg(num_customer) from cty );
with custcity as ( select city_id, count(*) as customers_per_city from customer group by city_id ), avg_cust_city as ( select avg(customers_per_city) as avg_cust_per_city from custcity ), num_cust as ( select cus.city_id, count(cus.customer_name) as num_customers from customer cus left join city cty on cus.city_id = cty.id left join country cnt on cnt.id = cty.country_id group by cus.city_id having num_customers > (select avg_cust_per_city from avg_cust_city) ) select cnt.country_name, cty.city_name, nc.num_customers from customer cus join num_cust nc on cus.city_id = nc.city_id left join city cty on cus.city_id = cty.id left join country cnt on cnt.id = cty.country_id order by country_name ;