R192- They didn't "cancel" a visit, although they'll try to suggest that.
They weren't invited in the first place.
KP is William's personal residence in London. He is also the host.
If any invitation was extended, it was solely to Harry. William, quite justifiably, was not about to give Meghan Markle, the woman who trashed his wife on international media, and poked his grandmother in the eye with a sharp stick whilst his grandfather was dying, a nice photo op so she can remind the world that 1) she be ROYAL!, 2) the family is welcoming her back so obviously they know she wasn't totally off base in the horrible things she said about then, and 3) because William spotted Meghan's "Give her a hand and she'll take the arm" character.
If the invitation was only for Harry, he'd decline if his wife wasn't include, especially as, this time, Kate, the hostess whose home KP also is, is likely to be there.
William & Kate, but only Harry and no Meghan?
Harry would never. The statue unveiling was different, a much smaller affair, and his wife was home with a three week old infant.
That's assuming Harry was invited at all, which is by no means a sure thing given that William holds all the cards here.
Even at the statue unveiling, it was clear who was in command, who was packing the BDE, and Harry behaved like someone trying to cover up fear with bravado.
If it had taken place around the statue unveiling, Harry would have already been there and hard to leave out in the cold - and there wouldn't have been an issue around Meghan because of the new baby.
But the cards didn't fall that way. William is in control here, this is his turf, Harry no longer has a home in London and even in Frogmore Cottage all his stuff is now gone.
The Harkles may as well stop talking about FC still being "their" home. When their lease is up on 31 March 2022, it won't be. Their stuff is entirely gone. Someone else lives there and has already changed some of the decor.
Harry and Meghan can do as they like out there on the West Coast and thumb their nose at the BRF, thinking, Be off, you have no power here!
And they're right.
But the obverse is also true: in the UK, from which they derive their "royalty", they no longer have any influence or power, either.
I can just hear Meghan nagging Eugenie on a daily basis to try to get William to change his mind.