With Netflix dominating the online streaming, its new show, ‘Jailbirds’ is entirely about the inmates in the Sacramento County Jail. The series followed the lives of four incarcerated females as they struggle to bond – while on the inside. The ‘Jailbirds’ debuted on this May 10 and the hype regarding the identity and whereabouts of prisoners is just real. Given the success of the series, you may be thinking whether the cast of ‘Jailbirds’ is still in prison. If you binge-viewed series and want to know more about the casts, who appeared on the series, stay with us! Today, we unveil unknown facts about the 19-year-old, Yasmin Sundermeyer!
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Is Troubled Teen Yasmin Sundermeyer Still in Jail?
For those wondering, if she still in jail, the answer is yes! Yasmin tried to escape the Sacramento County Jail, but the authorities captured her into custody. Besides other felony charges, she is recently charged for an escape from custody. Her recent court records reveal that the teen escaped for a short period of time. Because of her prison break, her bail amount has been increased from $200k to $1.2 million. With no possible release date, Yasmin’s next court appearance is on May 31st, 2019, Baller Alert reports. At 19-year-old, Yasmin is already facing jail time for various crimes. Only 5’3’’ tall, Yasmin, who aspires to be a veterinarian, is a single mother with a child waiting for her. In the first episode of ‘Jailbirds’, we knew that this young mother wants to be happy and wished to a better person in the coming days. The inmates also added, she wants things and situation to be how it was before. With much of her life details kept under the warp, we always pity for Yasmin and her child throughout the show. From recent reports, Yasmin succeeds to flee five months after the documentary-series filming. However, other information regarding her life outside of prison, the identity of her parents and the father of her child is kept hidden for privacy concern. As the first season of ‘Jailbirds’ has finished, we are hoping for the second season with more chill and interesting inmates.Yasmin Sundermeyer on Jailbird: Where Is She Now?
On ‘Jailbird’ first episode, teenage Yasmin Sundermeyer was the first prisoner we meet on the series. The show started with the montage and we first saw her in the pilot episode, getting familiar to prison life. All through the first season of ‘Jailbirds’, she firmly depicted the troubling behavior as she navigates the legal system. Yasmin is the Sacramento County Jail’s newest inmate and first-time offender, taken in charge on July 28. At the time, she was charged on a slew of wrongdoing, including alcohol, drugs, weapon possessions, carjacking, & evading officers. Yasmin’ bail worth of $200,000 bail, as per the court records. The show revealed that she was driving ‘130 miles per hour’ as she tends to outrun authorities. She appeared pretty giddy with herself at the starting but, she soon understands jail is much harder than her imagination. And, for wondering her whereabouts, she’s still in Sacramento County Main Jail.ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7u7PRZ6WerF%2Bau3DDyKSgaLGRqLqquoysrKeclae6psXEq2Sopl2frqq4waKpnatdrLWmvsRmoKxlo52ybrrOsGSiq12urrS5yKdkrK2embKzucSynKtlo6m2rbiMoqVmopGeuXA%3D