Teen Responsible For The Death Of Juvenile's Daughter Receives Sentencing

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution an Atlanta judge has sentenced 17-year-old Anthony Tyrone Terrell to two life sentences for the murder of his mother Joy Deleston and two younger sisters, Jelani and Micaiah.

One of the young girls murdered by Terrell back in 2008 was the then four-year-old daughter of rapper Juvenile.

According to Terrell the shooting was the result of a mere argument with his mother that resulted from him having company over without any adult supervision. He also explained that he shot his two sisters because he didn’t want them to grow up without a mother.


“I never planned what happened that day,” Terrell explained to the judge. “My mom and I got into a disagreement and things just spiraled out of control…That night my plan was to take my own life, but in the end I was unable to shoot myself.”

Juvenile did not attend the court hearing and could not be reached by the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The rapper also did not attend his daughter’s funeral in 2008 for fear of causing extra media attention. 
