Two years have passed since “Duck Dynasty” came to an end, but the fans of the show still get updates about its starring family, the Robertson’s. This is how Korie and Willie’s son Rowdy, who we met at 12, looks today.
“Children grow so fast,” is every parent mantra. This seems to be especially true during the teenage years when two years can bring unbelievable changes to a person. And Rowdy Robertson is no exception to this.
Rowdy was 14 years old when “Duck Dynasty” came to an end after 11 seasons on the A&E network, and it is hard to believe how much he has grown in the two years he has been away from the TV cameras.
On November 8, 2018, Rowdy, who was adopted by Korie and Willie as a baby, turned 18, and to mark the occasion, his mother took to her Instagram account to share a photo slide showing how much her boy has changed through the years.
“From the time I took you into my arms at 5 weeks old, we haven’t been able to take our hands or our eyes off of you,” 45-year-old Korie wrote in the caption.
More recently, Korie couldn’t stop flaunting her grown-up and handsome son as the two spent a day shopping for tuxedos, once again expressing how hard it is for her to believe that Rowdy is not a child anymore.
“The lady who helped us bragged on how polite and kind he was the whole time. Kind, respectful, joyful, fun, talented! All of that and more!” she wrote.
“Nothing better than having others acknowledge the good in your kiddos. He’s becoming such a great man! And I’m one #proudmom,” Korie added.
Will Jr. has certainly come a long way since the last time we saw him on
his family show, notoriously having grown facial hair.

William Roberston Jr. also known as "Little Will." I Image: Instagram/bosshogswife
In 2016, Will Jr. was the guest on his father’s podcast, on which the then 16-year-old first addressed the subject of being adopted in public.
When asked how it felt for him to be a member of the Robertson family, his response was very positive and mature.
“First of all, it’s awesome. I wouldn’t be where I’m at today for sure, because I don’t know where I would be right now. But other than that, it’s brought me a lot closer to Jesus and it’s brought up my maturity a lot,” Will Jr. said.
The teenager added that he never felt out of place among his siblings, and the only thing that used to caught his attention before he knew the truth was his skin color, since Will Jr. is part African American.
“I mean I knew I was different because I had a different skin color and my hair went up instead of down,” he joked.
Even though Will Jr. started to appear on TV when he was only 9, fame is something that he was that used to at the time of the interview.
“It has gotten a lot harder just walking around places because you just walk even in like a gas station or the movie theaters and people are like, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s Willie Robertson’s son!’” he shared.