Halo Infinite Multiplayer mode is now available, and players are eager to know all the weapon spawns for every map in the game. The new Deadlock map looks brilliant, and it puts players up against each other in rocky mountain terrain. Divided into two halves, players will also notice a special location on this map called the Cave. This is where the top-tier weapons spawn on this map.
Running out of ammo can become a factor in large team game modes, which is why knowing every weapon spawn location will help you outlast the enemies on this map. Weapons like VK78 Commando and the Shock Rifle will have multiple spawns on this map.

The classic burst-fire BR75 spawns on the Deadlock map at the High Base location. This area is deep in enemy territory for the Cobras but has plenty of weapons and grenade spawns!

The Bulldog Shotgun spawns at the northern side of Low Base on the Deadlock map in Halo Infinite. The weapon is exceedingly strong at close range but ineffective over distances.

The Heatwave usually spawns at the High Base near the Eagle spawn side on Deadlock.

Stalker is a weapon that is always available at one of the four spawns at the High Base location.
Related: All Grenade types in Halo Infinite Multiplayer, Explained

The VR78 spawns at the center of the High Base location on the Deadlock map in Halo Infinite.
Shock Rifle

The Shock Rifle spawns at the western side of Low Base near Cobra spawn site on Deadlock.

The Needler usually spawns at the right side of High Cargo. This weapon is good for close-range combat but has a slow fire rate.

The Mangler is found at the Bridge location on the Deadlock map in Halo Infinite.

The highly powerful Cindershot can be found inside the Cave at Deadlock. This weapon can easily take down vehicles, and players should try to acquire it early in a match.

The Hydra spawns at the High Yard near the AA Gun on the Deadlock map!
For more Halo information and guides, check out Will Halo Infinite Multiplayer be Free forever? on Pro Game Guides!